My son is almost to shaving age - very close if you ask him. I came up with the crazy idea to have him start lathering his face to 'clean' it so he'd know how to use a soap and brush before he picks up his first razor.

I gave him a choice of some soaps and creams and he chose RazoRock Classic. I thought a synthetic would be a good brush to start; I'm glad he chose the Kent Silvertex instead of my RazoRock Pillsoft.

We started trying face lathering but he hit his stride and made a very nice lather when we switched to hand lathering.

It was one of those cool father-son moments in life. I guess moving on we will see if this was a good idea after all.

andrewjs18, TheCleanShaver and Freddy like this post

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
It sounds like a fantastic idea. Smile

Philadelphia, PA
very cool!
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
Any time we can spend quality time with our sons is time well spent not matter what you're doing. Our oldest is getting close to shave time too, you're idea is a fantastic one and one I may piggy back on... Lathering would be an excellent way to clean and exfoliate even if he's not quite ready to shave.

Freddy likes this post

North Carolina
My son is 9 and he LOVES it when he gets to "shave" with me (he uses a bladeless 1960's Flaretip that he picked out from, as he puts it "our" collection...) he also uses my old Burma Shave boar brush and he lathers like a champ! Very quality time spent together and he has already begun to learn a necessary skill!

Freddy and Marko like this post

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