Guilty as charged, and I'd do it again!

xterribad likes this post
I figured there would be a thread already on this. I took the time to shave with both soaps, and can't say I notice a huge difference really. Wish I had a duplicate bowl, and in retrospect I could have shaved with the same razor on both sides. Lathered both separately with a Chubby 1 in Super since I have two. The new version seems to load a bit faster, but then my tallow puck I have is like 10+ years old. I probably have some duplicate boars, and always found Tabac to excel with boars. I'm not really much for change myself, but with one initial test for myself, I'm not dreading the change. Future changes though...

zaclikestoshave, HoosierShave and Nero like this post

(This post was last modified: 10-07-2021, 03:38 PM by Navitimer.)
The official reason given was the following (in German):

Quote:Nun müssen wir Ihnen leider mitteilen, dass die Seifenbasis, die wir für die Rasierseife seit jeher verwenden, in dieser Form nicht mehr produziert wird. Insofern ließ sich die Anpassung nicht abwenden. Um nach wie vor ein überzeugendes Rasiererlebnis sicherstellen zu können, haben wir die neue Rezeptur auf Stabilität, Verträglichkeit sowie Qualität getestet. Und dies nicht nur im Rahmen der üblichen Stabilitäts- und Materialverträglichkeitstests, sondern auch in Form eines Blindtest durch professionelle Barbiere, die die Rasierseife in neuer und alter Rezeptur in der Anwendung miteinander verglichen haben. Die Rasierseifen wurden von den Barbieren gleich gut bewertet, mit leichtem Vorzug für die neue Rezeptur. Daraufhin erfolgte die Umstellung mit Aufgebrauch der bestehenden Packmittel und ist nun für fast alle Artikel durchgeführt worden. Eine Unterscheidung ist anhand der Inhaltsstofflisten auf der Verpackung möglich.

Wir bitten Sie um Verständnis für diese Rezepturänderung, die leider nicht vermieden werden konnte.


Quote:Now, unfortunately, we have to inform you that the soap base, which we have always used for the shaving soap, is no longer produced in this form. In this respect, the adjustment could not be averted. In order to still be able to ensure a convincing shaving experience, we have tested the new formula for stability, compatibility as well as quality. And this was done not only as part of the usual stability and material compatibility tests, but also in the form of a blind test by professional barbers, who compared the shaving soap in the new and old formulation in use. The shaving soaps were rated equally well by the barbers, with a slight preference for the new formulation. Subsequently, the changeover was made with the use of the existing packaging materials and has now been carried out for almost all articles. A differentiation is possible on the basis of the ingredient lists on the packaging.
We ask for your understanding for this recipe change, which unfortunately could not be avoided.

I don't think it has anything to do with Tabac trying to go vegan to appease a certain crowd. The typical buyer of Tabac probably doesn't care if the soap is vegan or not. And the scent certainly isn't directed towards a "hipster" crowd.

Fluffy, John Rose, zaclikestoshave and 4 others like this post

St. Louis, MO
I think there's pressure to reduce animal products in cosmetics generally and more so in the EU.

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AQU, BPman and zaclikestoshave like this post
Shave Sharp, Look Sharp
I am so tiered of this ‘woke’ world promoting plant based products and food and the transition to green energy. We will see who freezes their ass off in The EU and the rest of the world for that matter when there is a gas shortage. Furthermore I want to eat a real burger not just something that tastes like a burger.

I have a bunch of Tabac soap and aftershave from about 5 years ago. Once it’s gone I won’t bother with the new one.

BPman and Dragonsbeard like this post
(10-24-2021, 04:33 PM)Nuki Man Wrote: I am so tiered of this ‘woke’ world promoting plant based products and food and the transition to green energy. We will see who freezes their ass off in The EU and the rest of the world for that matter when there is a gas shortage. Furthermore I want to eat a real burger not just something that tastes like a burger.

I have a bunch of Tabac soap and aftershave from about 5 years ago. Once it’s gone I won’t bother with the new one.
Nothing they say makes any sense. ANY TOPIC. We just need monthly national debates to expose the frauds.

Dragonsbeard, SCShaver, BPman and 1 others like this post

New Brunswick, Canada
(10-05-2021, 01:41 PM)Navitimer Wrote: I don't think it has anything to do with Tabac trying to go vegan to appease a certain crowd. The typical buyer of Tabac probably doesn't care if the soap is vegan or not. And the scent certainly isn't directed towards a "hipster" crowd.
Yeah, nothing in that "official reason" really says why it's been changed, only that they decided that it had to be. No doubt it's probably just cheaper to produce.
I think people can put away the tiki torches and nooses, and just chill.
We could be Heroes, just for one day.
- David Bowie -
(This post was last modified: 11-21-2021, 11:24 AM by BPman.)
I personally think the soap factory that closed in the Netherlands was making it for them, e.g., Fine hard soaps discontinuation. It is cheaper to manuf. liquid soaps and the industry has essentially converted everyone over to that format. Huge cos. have sold off a lot of old bar soap names to smaller cos. of which many are in Central America. I would wager that over 95% of posters' wives use liquid soap & a loofah in the shower. I despise loofah type articles as they are a veritable "petri dish" for bacteria.
Secretary Ramsey put his foot into it yesterday . . . in the course of his remarks he said that California “needs water and better society.”  “So does h-ll,” yelled someone in the crowd.  
(This post was last modified: 11-21-2021, 03:32 PM by Nero.)
(11-21-2021, 10:30 AM)John Rose Wrote:
(10-05-2021, 01:41 PM)Navitimer Wrote: I don't think it has anything to do with Tabac trying to go vegan to appease a certain crowd. The typical buyer of Tabac probably doesn't care if the soap is vegan or not. And the scent certainly isn't directed towards a "hipster" crowd.
Yeah, nothing in that "official reason" really says why it's been changed, only that they decided that it had to be. No doubt it's probably just cheaper to produce.
I think people can put away the tiki torches and nooses, and just chill.

Tiki torches and nooses?
Stop watching Joy Reid and the rest of the woke mob and those things won't even cross your mind.

SCShaver and BPman like this post

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