I have been to ALOT of movies during my days on this planet but I have NEVER been to one where when the first credits rolled, a full theatre as one, roared and stood clapping as if their favorite team won at the buzzer. What a cool experience to share with my boys. Well done JJ Abrams, well done!!! For over two hours I was a kid again! What a movie, Star Wars The Force Awakens was simply Amazing..
Nothing compared to the original 1977 Star Wars. The next two were meh and then I saw the first prequel. It was so bad that I haven't seen a Star Wars movie since. However, once the crowds die down, I am considering giving this one a try. I cannot imagine that it would be as bad as that first prequel.
If you liked the first one in 1977 you will like this.
A cute story about the first prequel in 1999.
My daughter was 11 and loved it. Especially the universally loathed Jar Jar Binks. We had just recently moved to southern New Hampshire when the movie came out.
After seeing the movie we were driving in the car. I had the radio on and the Jar Jar voice-over actor was being interviewed by the DJ team. They were crucifying him. They said no one could understand a thing he said and that every time Jar Jar spoke you could see people in the theater turn to their seat mates and ask "What did he say?" They continued to dig at Jar Jar.
This greatly upset my daughter who told me to stop the car and find a pay phone. I asked her why? She replied "Because I want to call the radio station and tell them I am from Maryland and I can understand Jar Jar Binks better than I can understand you people from Boston"
Still cracks me up.
If you liked the first one in 1977 you will like this.
A cute story about the first prequel in 1999.
My daughter was 11 and loved it. Especially the universally loathed Jar Jar Binks. We had just recently moved to southern New Hampshire when the movie came out.
After seeing the movie we were driving in the car. I had the radio on and the Jar Jar voice-over actor was being interviewed by the DJ team. They were crucifying him. They said no one could understand a thing he said and that every time Jar Jar spoke you could see people in the theater turn to their seat mates and ask "What did he say?" They continued to dig at Jar Jar.
This greatly upset my daughter who told me to stop the car and find a pay phone. I asked her why? She replied "Because I want to call the radio station and tell them I am from Maryland and I can understand Jar Jar Binks better than I can understand you people from Boston"

Thats good to hear as I was a bit worried about Disney - their marketing campaign is as over the top as anything I've ever seen - I anticipate Star Wars themed condoms must be on the list. But I digress, months ago I reserved our 4 favorite seats at the Imax 3D for the 2PM showing on Dec. 24 for the family. My son is 21 now and he has been a huge Star Wars fan almost his whole life. I can still remember how annoyed he was that we made him wait a few years to see the 1999 one because he was 5 and it was a little graphically violent for his age in our opinion as parents. Apparently we were the only parents in the whole world that were selective/protective about what the kids were exposed to. In any case they're all adults now and we're going to have a nice time and as a bonus we're skipping my sister-in-law's annual Dec 24 brunch which nobody particularly enjoys
If you ever get a chance to take in a play called The Boy's Own Jedi Handbook try to go. Its a great play about a kid who in one summer has his parents divorce and moves and goes to a new school and is feeling pretty down and lonely until....Star Wars. He finds a fellow enthusiast and you follow them through Junior high school and growing up/coming of age and girls "uh, no we're not playing with dolls, we're re-enacting scenes from Star Wars" The two boys do the epic light sabre duel between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker using flashlights with colored celophane over the lens and a smoke machine that catches the light to extend the beams making the sounds with their mouths. It was a great play.

If you ever get a chance to take in a play called The Boy's Own Jedi Handbook try to go. Its a great play about a kid who in one summer has his parents divorce and moves and goes to a new school and is feeling pretty down and lonely until....Star Wars. He finds a fellow enthusiast and you follow them through Junior high school and growing up/coming of age and girls "uh, no we're not playing with dolls, we're re-enacting scenes from Star Wars" The two boys do the epic light sabre duel between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker using flashlights with colored celophane over the lens and a smoke machine that catches the light to extend the beams making the sounds with their mouths. It was a great play.
Freddy you're obviously a focused individual not easily distracted, its everywhere, theme music playing during dodge truck adds, lady's cosmetics, every cheap low cost item you can imaging has a star wars character head stuck on it. I think Lucas was a bit more selective about who could shill with star wars - or he was way more expensive.
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