
Home of the Spud Potato
Friday SOTD
[Image: XA4LZ6s.jpg]

Razor: OneBlade GENESIS
Blade: Feather FHS-10 (1)
Brush: Simpson Duke 3 Silvertip
Bowl: Corbell Pedestal 4"
Pre-Shave Scrub: PAA Iced Enigma Machine Cube 2.0
Pre-Shave Oil: Saponificio Varesino
Shave Soap: Saponificio Varesino 70th Anniversary
Butter: Saponificio Varesino Puro Burro di Karitè
Aftershave: Saponificio Varesino 70th Anniversary

n-doc, Vittoria, canpo1907 and 9 others like this post

North Texas
Friday, March 14, 2025 - Shave of the Day
[Image: G3sfuFN.jpeg]
Brush  ||  Maggard
Soap  ||  Sir Henry's Island Estate
Razor  ||  Stirling Stainless DE / Wizamet Super Iridium (3)
Post  ||  Alum Block / Witch Hazel
A/S  ||  Sir Henry's Island Estate

Dave in KY, AlphaFrank75, Calm_Shaver and 10 others like this post
(This post was last modified: Today, 01:19 AM by Lesser. Edited 1 time in total.)
Brush:  Rudy Veye / Muhle STF
Soap:  Acqua di Parma Barbiere
Razor:  Tatara Amakuni
Blade:  Kai Captain
Aftershave:  Acqua di Parma Tonico
Sent:  Prisma Citron

Today, changed up the Amakuni from the Kai Premium Guard to the unguarded and sharper Kai Captain.  Shave was still easy and the result was a BBS (no red anywhere).  As an every-day shaver, I usually don't want BBS shaves -- DFS is usually what I want and keeps my skin from feeling over-shaven -- but it is good 
for knowing when I want to get that close a shave that it's easily done.

[Image: xtS1ni2.jpeg]

Rebus Knebus, n-doc, Calm_Shaver and 11 others like this post

gone to Carolina in my mind
[Image: o2njzHE.jpeg]
Brush .... Chisel and Hound
Soap ..... Vernal Equinox (Kodiak) (Murphy & McNeil + Black Mtn Collab)
Razor .... Bronze Alpha Spirit
Blade .... Kai ProTouch MG
Post ..... Witch Hazel w/alcohol
Post ..... Pitralon Pure Splash
Finish ... Azzaro Pour Homme EDT

Polovez, Rebus Knebus, ram57 and 10 others like this post
Technique Trumps Tools
Skin Care Trumps Skin Repair

Be Cool, be Kind, and be Well
--  Mike --

(This post was last modified: Today, 03:37 AM by Vittoria. Edited 1 time in total.)
Thursday Afternoon 13/03/25

Razor : Yaqi Ghost TI 90 DC. (safety bar/open comb) "open comb side"
Blade : Feather Hi-Stainless.(1)
Brush : Yaqi Caramel Cat Whiskers synthetic.
Soap : Noble Otter Orbit.
Balm : T.N. Dickinson's Witch Hazel.
Razor weight : 58 grams.
Hi all,
Good after work shave yesterday and the first meaningful rain this year.
I shaved with the Ghost TI 90 on the open comb side and in my opinion I like it better on the
safety bar side.
Just to be clear the previous shave was 2 days growth yesterday was 3 days growth.
I felt the razor didn't shave as efficiently with the open comb side, sometimes it can take a few shaves
to dial in the angle on an open comb.
The hybrid plate design was the main reason I wanted to add this razor to my small modern razor line up.
1 pass WTG/ATG and a few touch ups done.

I really enjoyed the Noble Otter Orbit the scent is very nice as was the fresh feeling after the shave a little like
Proraso green on the face but the scent has more going on.

I hope you all enjoy the coming weekend the footy is back! (AFL) for me.  Happy2

[Image: IMG-9476.jpg]

Dave in KY, Razorboy, n-doc and 11 others like this post
Here comes the sun.

Posting Freak
Saint Petersburg . Russia
[Image: 5H1w7iO.jpeg]

Spectre, Razorboy, primotenore and 9 others like this post
Wald Nimbus A1 29 mm Goldvein 2.0/Aion Skincare Optimus Pomp Shaving Soap/Atelier Durdan La Faulx en Titane Medium +/Schick Proline/Aion Skincare Pomp Aftershave Splash

[Image: ouKLNoL.jpeg]

Rebus Knebus, Spectre, Dave in KY and 6 others like this post

Balikesir, Turkey
(This post was last modified: 9 hours ago by canpo1907.)
TGIF Shave...

Wishing everyone good health and a great day to all...

1963 Gillette French Tech, Gillette Platinum, Yaqi Ocean brush, Nivea Men Sensitive shave cream&balsam, Nivea Men Ultra splash...
[Image: 5fee6ded9e80931dccb1fa672a3441a1.jpg]

RMX3710 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi

AlphaFrank75, Rebus Knebus, MarkB and 5 others like this post

:: Edwin Jagger DE89, Barley, Astra (# 22) :: Yaqi Sagrada Família, Synthetic fibers :: Razorock, XX :: Biotherm :: Brut

[Image: EEgsCAp.jpg]


:: Mühle R89, Astra (# 23) :: Semogue Torga C5, Finest Badger :: Saponificio Varesino, Dolomiti :: Biotherm :: Saponificio Varesino, Felce aromatica

[Image: V1HJ7ut.jpg]


n-doc, canpo1907, Rebus Knebus and 5 others like this post
Blutt BR-1 1.20
Schick Platinum
Oumo Lighthouse ST2
Proraso Barbe Dure

[Image: 75-D58254-6991-4-C4-A-9-A5-A-07-DED07-C0-F56.jpg]

primotenore, MarkB, Spectre and 5 others like this post

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