My Shave today consisted of...
Prep Aleppo soap.
Blackland Shaving Towel.
Brush Zenith Copper Boar.
Soap Cognac and Cuban cigars.
Razors Henson A++ & Batch 002.
Blade Rainbow & Derby Premium.
Aftershave Cognac and Cuban cigars Splash.
Tonight with the Batch 002 razor, I started with an ATG pass to try and suss out the right angles as I always struggle with it.
It turns out my angle is fine, the razor just feels like it was not cutting, that being said I still find it a little cumbersome.
Now the WTG & XTG are all perfectly fine and do an amazing job.
The razor leaves no irritation or razor burn at all and I love the Nickel plating. It feels great on the skin.
I am also using the slightly milder Henson for my head to see if I can get the same shave results as I can with the aggressive version.
That's it.
Enjoy your night, everyone.
ram57 and
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