
North Texas
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 - Shave of the Day

[Image: HRjz5xF.jpg]

Brush  ||  Wolf Whiskers Beehive
Soap  || Barrister and Mann Latha Taiga
Razor  ||  Above The Tie H1 / Voskhod Teflon (4)
A/S  ||  Stirling Executive Man

dabearis, celestino, SpeedyPC and 11 others like this post
[Image: 892de2af915b4cad766f06fdbff355a9.jpg]

GlazedBoker, linuxguile, DblDe and 13 others like this post
Razor : Wolfman
Blade : Wizamet Super Iridium
Brush : Morris & Forndran Finest
Soap : T+S Kyoto
Aftershave : T+S Kyoto

[Image: 28473838127_112bf61d4f_z.jpg]

alfredus, celestino, Noire and 12 others like this post

Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
Wednesday AM 2018-07-11

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Rooney 3/3 Ivory Finest (26/60)
Mohawk Brush Company shaving soap (tallow)
Charcoal Goods Brass Level 1/Triad Aristocrat Brass
Personna Super Stainless (3)
Yardley English Lavender aftershave (vintage)

The Mohawk soap, which has lost all its fragrance, made moderately rich and slick lather, good but not great. The puck is quite narrow, and it bounced around in the bottom of the mug, so I ended up holding it in my hand to load the brush.
[Image: 1mA4Ngq.jpg]

SpeedyPC, Noire, ANG69 and 9 others like this post
[Image: 12eb0ea1e19ac35f7f6d18836525c4c3.jpg]

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DblDe, alfredus, Michael P and 12 others like this post

Colorado Springs
SOTD July 11th
[Image: v6eLeMC.jpg]

Stirling Mentholated Pre-Shave Soap
Gillette English Flat Bottom Tech
Gillette Platinum Plus(2)
Ever-Ready H40
Cella of Hagen Street
Baxter of California Shave Tonic and ASB

ram57, racogon, clint64 and 10 others like this post
[Image: 7OlhkHv.jpg]

Gold Rex 1032 Razor
Sudsy Soapery Uplift Tallow Soap
Brad Sears DFS 2018 LE

ram57, ANG69, 120inna55 and 11 others like this post
All the best,

Michael P

Max Sprecher
Las Vegas, NV
Razor: Gillette Slim-Twist + Astra Platinum
Brush: Yaqi Tuxedo
Lather: MDC Vétyver
Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel
Nourishing: Carven - Vétiver
Smell Good: Lalique Encre Noir

[Image: sotdslimtwist.jpg]

TheHunter, linuxguile, Bouki and 12 others like this post
"Simple: not to be confused with easy."

Le Mans, France
[Image: 8ffe8e10.jpg]

linuxguile, TheHunter, celestino and 10 others like this post

Home of the Spud Potato

Thursday SOTD

[Image: SbWXoAL.jpg]

Razor: Gillette NI Bostonian
Blade: Gillette Spoiler (D11)
Brush: Semogue Owners Club Boar Taj Resin 24mm
Bowl: Supply Provision Marble 4.5"
Pre-Shave Scrub: MRGO Lime
Pre-Shave Oil: Homemade Bay Rum w Lime
Shave Soap: Mikes Bay Rum
Post: Stirling's Bay Rum Butter
Aftershave: Ogallala Bay Rum Limes & Peppercorn

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