January 3, 2018

Wolfman WR1-OC Darwin Titanium
Feather HS
Paladin Lapis Chief
CRSW Lavish Soap and Aftershave

[Image: IMG_4866-XL.jpg]

User 2392, Rebus Knebus, NJDJ and 18 others like this post

Cincinnati. Ohio
Wednesday, 2 January, 2019:

Edwin Jagger DE87
Rapira Platinum Lux
Vulfix 2234 Super Badger
AOS Sandalwood Cream
GFT Coral Skin Food


DblDe, Rebus Knebus, German and 9 others like this post

(12-30-2018, 01:27 PM)Oskarete Wrote: Afeitado 56:

Ducha caliente + Aceite Floïd // Barrister and Mann Promises // Yaqi Sagrada Familia // Karve Christopher Bradley Razor Placa F // Astra Super Platinum “Verde” (#1) // Barrister And Mann Aftershave Splash Promises // Iron Maiden - The Trooper

[Image: kQlxCZj.jpg]

one have to like this one...thumbs up

Сергей Новицкий, Nico and Oskarete like this post

(12-30-2018, 07:56 PM)Droo78 Wrote: [Image: d8707a99e454b8b359aac6d6696daa56.jpg]

70's Sunday Shave

Wild West Brushworks "Odin"
Barrister and Mann Jacinthe Soap
1970 P4 Gillette Knack Razor
1972 S2 Gillette "The Spoiler" Blade
Barrister and Mann Jacinthe Aftershave
Nivea Cooling Post Shave Balm

Close comfortable shave today with the Gillette Knack. First time using a Spoiler blade and wasn't sure what to expect. Good performance, although I felt a bit of tugging along the neck hairs. Still irritation free though.

The B+M Jacinthe is a great product. The soap lathered quickly with the WWB Odin brush and provided a slick and cushioned shave. Great post shave feel! The Jacinthe AS did its job and the scent reminds me of a walk through a crisp, damp garden with evergreens off in the distance.

Many thanks to rlroadie2004 for generously providing me the B+M Jacinthe products and WWB brush in the Pandora's Box #2 PIF.

Music today provided by:
Traffic ~ John Barleycorn Must Die, 1970
[Image: 68712526073388e7cd3335ec05d0a99f.jpg]

nomatter what when it comes to the shaving tools there,you had me smiling big time as me were rolling some traffic when me "strolled" this...bows...thanks for sharing a tune mate....worth much more than thought to be....shave of the life

Droo78, German, Nico and 1 others like this post

(12-30-2018, 10:58 PM)shevek Wrote: [Image: qX42Cib.png]
December 30, 2018
Semogue Caravela
Gillette Rocket HD
Vintage Gillette Super Silver
Long Rifle Hunting Lodge
Myrsol AS

great capture...

(12-31-2018, 12:33 AM)120inna55 Wrote:
Carnavis & Richardson / Catie's Bubbles | Porch Drinks
Leo Frilot Tru-Stone Copper Matrix | AP Shave Co. SynBad 30mm
The New Improved Schick Injector Razor | Personna 74
Carnavis & Richardson / Chatillon Lux | Les Boissons sur le Porche
Carnavis & Richardson / Catie's Bubbles | Dranks
Rebecca Graves Pottery | In Yer Eye Skull Cup

[Image: 2lwda0K.jpg]

you...had the steppin' stone turned around mate...nolonger what you put in em pics as 'tools or gliders'...the pictures are seen,heard and enjoyed big time from even a dry shaver.Top notch and yes,keep em cominng.Thanks

120inna55 likes this post

(12-31-2018, 02:01 AM)celestino Wrote:
31 December 2018

* Blackbird Black Oxide SB 101
* Wizamet Iridium Super
* Epsilon 2-Band + Doug Korn Faux Briarwood C7
* Mystic Water Bergamot/Cedar/Juniper
* Unrefined Shea Butter
* Bergamot/Vetiver EO

[Image: 9YlSzq.jpg]

beautiful...but you already knew that D2...5....7 something.Thumbs up and the composition is seen

celestino and Сергей Новицкий like this post

(12-31-2018, 09:57 AM)Mr.Dinky Wrote: GEM 1914
GEM Personna PTFE
Semogue S.O.C.
Floid Suave

[Image: KbIOvIH.jpg]

great pic

(01-01-2019, 01:46 AM)celestino Wrote:
1 January 2019

* Muhle R41 + Stork Aristocrat 1 Titanium
* Wizamet Iridium Super
* WSP Original 2-Band + Oscar11 Aquamarine C7
* Mystic Water Sandalwood Rose
* Unrefined Shea Butter
* Bergamot/Vetiver EO

[Image: UNyJel.jpg]

Happy New Year, everyone!

and well...!!!!!!!!!

celestino likes this post

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