Thursday, May 03, 2018 - Shave of the Day
Brush | Paladin PK-47 26mm
Soap | L&L/DG Southern Paradise
Razor | Merkur 34C/ Kai
A/S | Barrister's Reserve Cool
I bought this soap so long ago that I forgot it had menthol. Today was a relatively warm day, and a cool evening shave felt great. I haven't really been to southern US or paradise
, but this scent is surely nice. Also, this is an easy to load soap, which definitely helped my sub-par 'badger lather' technique.
After getting my Wolfman earlier last month, I have been (mostly) using new gears (Wolf, GC etc). While most of my shaves during that time period was good, still the ease and peace that comes with familiarity were missing. So today I used 34C again.