
Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
Tuesday AM 2018-05-29

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Rooney Emillion 1 Porcelain Finest (24/51)
Floris No. 89 shaving soap (tallow)
RazoRock Mamba/Stork Consul Titanium
Personna Super Platinum Chrome (8)
Floris No. 89 aftershave (vintage)
[Image: tLaT6dB.jpg]

alfredus, Optometrist, SpeedyPC and 14 others like this post
The "Perfector"/BIC . I was hoping one of my new handles would fit the quirky bottom plate but not. Fine, quite aggressive shaver.[Image: b1ec8b246db75c1a73ac4d9c78ce75ca.jpg]

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German, alfredus, Matsilainen and 13 others like this post
PAA The Wow Signal soap, Prism Light synthetic brush, Vintage Gillette razor with Rockwell blade, set at seven, Proraso green aftershave.

Two neat passes, a touchup here and there, and the day has started out right.

[Image: DSC0333.jpg]

120inna55, Captainjonny, Rebus Knebus and 16 others like this post

Alpha Shaving
Drew Dick 7/8 near wedge
De Vergulde hand
ΑΛΦΑ T-400 Blonde Horse Hair
[Image: IMG_8326.jpg]

TheHunter, Matsilainen, celestino and 14 others like this post
[Image: sh8eyGp.jpg]

Epsilon 2B - Oneblade - B&M Seville

Rebus Knebus, Harry Lime, Optometrist and 15 others like this post
RazoRock BabySmooth
Wilkinson Sword
Stirling Synthetic 24mm
Stirling Dunshire
Clubman Reserve Gent's Gin & Bart's Balm Bergamot/Vanilla

A great smelling and efficient shave.
Love the Stirling sample size. Wish I could get my hands on more of them.

[Image: 6d309751e94db6120b99edae33d68fa6.jpg]

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120inna55, German, Hondo and 13 others like this post

Home of the Spud Potato

Wednesday SOTD

[Image: vDtmvQo.jpg]

Razor: Supply Provision Single Edge Polished Black
Blade: Schick Injector (D4)
Brush: Korn D55 Butterscotch 26mm Super Silvertip
Bowl: Supply Provision Marble 4.5"
Pre-Shave Scrub: Lisa's Spicy Lime Patchouli
Pre-Shave Oil: Homemade Jasmine Orange Vanilla
Shave Soap: Neumann Old Fashioned Soda
Post: Monster Block Alum
Aftershave: Chatillon Lux Fourth & Pine

SpeedyPC, Captainjonny, celestino and 13 others like this post
Martin de Candre Clásico//BSB Finest//Merkur 23C//Astra Superior Platinum//Agua de Lavanda de Puig

[Image: 6480101a33b81c7e5e39a23ee76019e5.jpg]

Enviado desde mi iPad utilizando Tapatalk

120inna55, SpeedyPC, German and 14 others like this post

AP Reserve
Sydney, Australia
[Image: csEbOBe.jpg?1]

Valobra Pre Shave
M&F Polo 32mm
Talbot Shaving Iliahi Ridge
AP Reserve the Santal Splash

Geo.F.Trumper Sandalwood Cologne

German, racogon, TheHunter and 15 others like this post
[Image: g4SobaY.jpg]

HK45, GlazedBoker, linuxguile and 14 others like this post

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