
Southeast - USA
1 March 2019

Symmetrical Pottery Bowl ~ CB Karve + Wizamet Iridium ~ Grizzly Bay
GD Preshave ~ CL/DG La Forêt de Liguest ~ GD Postshave Serum
CL La Forêt de Liguest Toner + AS

[Image: lP2vYwW.jpg]

Avgusto, clint64, Nico and 22 others like this post

All great changes are proceeded by tiny bits of chaos...

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
[Image: 2Dw2Ue2.jpg]

DblDe, HighSpeed, Hondo and 18 others like this post

North Texas
Friday, March 1, 2019 - Shave of the Day

[Image: tcD6DsG.jpg]

Brush  ||  Paladin Churchill
Soap  || Krampert’s Finest Frostbite
Razor  || Timeless / Astra SP (3)
A/S  ||  Krampert’s Finest Frostbite

clint64, ram57, TheHunter and 24 others like this post

Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
Friday AM 2019-03-01

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Rooney 1/1 Faux Horn Finest (22/45)
Penhaligon's English Fern shaving soap (tallow)
Weber DLC/Triad Diamond Aluminum Antique Bronze
Wilkinson 'Light Brigade' (5)
Penhaligon's English Fern aftershave (vintage)
[Image: k0MtvHY.jpg]
[Image: egteDhz.jpg]

Nico, JeffK99, DblDe and 22 others like this post
Preshave : Grooming Dept
Soap : Grooming Dept Verbrannt
Brush : Morris & Forndran
Razor : Wolfman
Blade : Polsilver
Aftershave : ABC

[Image: 46334656295_93450d0dfe_b.jpg]

linuxguile, HighSpeed, mdwolfie86 and 24 others like this post

Colorado Springs
SOTD March 1
[Image: 9a9192efd5db0be417772e6ca29d58af.jpg]

Stirling Mentholated Pre-Shave Soap
EDRIO # 32 Gem Micro-Matic OC
Gem SS PTFE (8)
Hardright Anchorset (24mm, Frigate Class)
Van Yulay Smoking Hot Pineapple soap and AS
Stirling Glacial Unscented PSB

Sent from my Galaxy using Tapatalk

HighSpeed, German, Avgusto and 22 others like this post

New Jersey
Proraso Green Pre/Post
The Owl Drug Co 24mm Strike Gold Shave Motherlode
Calani Oriental Plum
Rotbart Mond-Extra / Schick Super Chrome (Shave 4)
Thayers Superhazel - Proraso pre/post - Williams AV Ice Sport

[Image: SHqFV44.jpg]

Captainjonny, mdwolfie86, 120inna55 and 21 others like this post

[Image: 4hun6mq.jpg]

Blackland BrassBird
Gillette Nacet
Morris & Forndran L7 Blonde Badger in Antique Ivory
Barrister and Mann ‘Classic’ Reserve Soap
Barrister and Mann ‘Classic’ Reserve Splash

Have A Great Day!

Macho camacho, mdwolfie86, Captainjonny and 24 others like this post

Home of the Spud Potato

Saturday SOTD
[Image: 8TkNikm.jpg]

Razor: Charcoal Goods OC Level 2
Blade: Super Iridium (D14)
Brush: Rubberset 49-5 W 28mm Zenith Boar
Scuttle: Dirty Bird 1.5
Pre-Shave Scrub: MRGO Lime
Pre-Shave Balm: Grooming Dept Patchouli & Mint
Shave Soap: Mickey Lee Drunken Goat
Post: Monster Block Alum
Aftershave: Small Batch Shave Tonic

ohoho, 120inna55, Dave in KY and 22 others like this post

The Dark Lord of Wet Shaving
Date: 02 March 2019

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Brush:- Maseto Extra Density 2 Band Finest Badger "Memphis" 26/55mm Knot
Soap/Cream:- Mitchell's Wool Fat
Razor/Blade:- Gillette Fatboy Adjustable G2 1961 / Vintage NOS Gillette Super Stainless (spoiler) #2
Post-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed with Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil & Peppermint Oil / Lucky Tiger Aftershave & Face Tonic
Fragrance:- Dolce&Gabbana Pour Homme

29 more days to go for the whole month of Mitchell's March Wool Fat shave

JeffK99, German, alfredus and 15 others like this post

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