- Razor : Wolfman WR2 SB 1.05 (WRH2 Handle)
- Brush : Romera Silvertip 2 Bandas (26mm)
- Lather : Ingá Mythos Brisa (Soap)
- Aftershave : Ingá Mythos Brisa (Lotion)
- Blade : Gillette 7 O'Clock SharpEdge (#3)


[Image: f86a04cb092288ae11471ceb5b07ed66.jpg]

Rebus Knebus, Polovez, HighSpeed and 18 others like this post

Media, PA
SOTD - 5/28/2020

[Image: WUPW4Gv.jpg]

Jim Kleinkauf, Razdon, ExtraProtein and 19 others like this post

Doctor Strange of Wetshaving
Forio d'Ischia, Naples, Italy
SOTD 20200528 Blue
by IschiaPP @ Forio
Liojuny Shaving "Tampa", Finest Badger 3-band, 23x54x114mm
Taylor Of Bond Street Lavender (sample, repack)
Colonial Razors "The General V1"
Aluminium 6061, Black Anodized B1, 44g, 50x96mm
Schick Proline P30 #15 *
Weleda Rasierwasser Vor und Nach
#Shave #WetShaving #WetShavers
#ShaveOfTheDay #ShaveLikeaMan

* Grazie a TheDruid@ilRasoio

[Image: G3fz8HJ.jpg]

Nico, GlazedBoker, fmalpartida and 15 others like this post
Where there is a great desire there can be no great difficulty - Niccolò Machiavelli & Me
Greetings from Ischia. Pierpaolo
Yates 921 H
Astra SP
Homelikeshaving Light shave soap
Omega boar
Nivea Creme
Clubman lilac vegetal

alfredus, celestino, Razdon and 6 others like this post

Just Here for the Shaves
Williamsburg, KY
Thursday May 28, 2020
2020 Shave # 163 ( 570 Consecutive Shave Days )
Razor: Durham/German 37 Slant
Blade: Personna Pathology/ASCO Orange (2)
Brush: SV 2.0 Bamboo
Soap: SV Opuntia
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Citrus Toner
Aftershave 2: SV Opuntia
Fragrance: Acqua D Gio Profumo
Had to bail on the Durham as the blade was NOT sharp and tugging.......
[Image: IfFPP3S.jpg]

smurfups77, Razdon, Ols67 and 18 others like this post
This post by Dave in KY mentions views and opinions expressed and makes it known that they are "those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DFS or any other member, agency, organization, employer or company."  Big Grin
[Image: AiWHDbb.jpg]

celestino, clint64, 120inna55 and 12 others like this post

Posting Freak
Saint Petersburg . Russia
[Image: eLils4N.jpg]

alfredus, Rebus Knebus, Ols67 and 17 others like this post

Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
Thursday, May 28
[Image: htbFs3D.jpg]
Seaforth!~~Rubberset 400/3~~Barbasol Floating Head/Feather
Have a great day!

jluc, Nico, ExtraProtein and 13 others like this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2
CRV Ánfora Rubí/Joserra Green Twist/Muhle R89 Jet+ Wizamet Super Iridium/Joserra Green Twist/Cool Water Davidoff
[Image: awMbYpn.jpg]
Felices afeitados.
All the best.

Razdon, alfredus, Jim Kleinkauf and 18 others like this post

I like Pizza
[Image: YXE0O4t.jpg]
28 MAY 2020
DECLARATION / Blood of (Viking) Kings
BOELLIS / 1924
[Image: qmy55Pd.jpg]

zaclikestoshave, jcmy53, TheHunter and 19 others like this post

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