Excellent Menthol Monday
Last day of prep before students arrive tomorrow. I went with the Krampert’s Frostbite combo and it was amazing. Thick creamy lather and enough chill to last for nearly an hour. I could barely notice my ’59 Fatboy removing my stubble. I am running very low on the aftershave, I’ll need to get a refill soon.
Prep: Warm shower
Soap: Krampert’s Finest Frostbite
Brush: HIS lather monster
Razor: ’59 Fatboy
Blade: Voskhod (3)
AS: Krampert’s Finest Frostbite
Last day of prep before students arrive tomorrow. I went with the Krampert’s Frostbite combo and it was amazing. Thick creamy lather and enough chill to last for nearly an hour. I could barely notice my ’59 Fatboy removing my stubble. I am running very low on the aftershave, I’ll need to get a refill soon.
Prep: Warm shower
Soap: Krampert’s Finest Frostbite
Brush: HIS lather monster
Razor: ’59 Fatboy
Blade: Voskhod (3)
AS: Krampert’s Finest Frostbite