
Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
​​Sunday, October 20
[Image: 70RONEj.jpeg]
Ariana & Evans Chasing the Dragon~~Rubberset 400/3~~Wolfman WR1 .74 Ti/Polsilver~~Vintage Old Spice Toilet Water
Have a great day!

Hercules34, bayourider, Andrei and 14 others like this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2
[Image: 3jLuOSe.jpeg]
Paradigm SE • Schick Proline • DG B3 • Ethos

bayourider, Noire, GlazedBoker and 14 others like this post

I've been scaled. I'm smooth now.
Preshave: Hot shower
Soap/Shave cream: Proraso Green
Brush: Maggard 24mm
Razor: 1960 Gillette Super Speed Flare Tip
Blade: Astra SP (1)
Post shave: Gillette Gel

[Image: i-GWh77Vt-X2.jpg]

Whiterook, Lazar, Hercules34 and 13 others like this post

Quebec, Canada
Sunday October 20, 2024

Fatip gentile | BIC Chrome platinum
Cella pre-shave gel | Lea menthol cream
Maggards bowl / APshave Independant
Thayers unscented toner | Canoe splash

[Image: m9FQ7IN.png]

Noire, Razorboy, Whiterook and 15 others like this post
Ce message provient du Québec!  Happy2

It really IS all about that bass.
20 October, 2024

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Great shave this morning. Returned to ETHOS Grooming Essentials and Frank's excellent "Bay Rum" shave soap & splash. Fantastic scent and lather created with the Wild West Brushworks "Bisbee" Sweet Spot Badger brush for two passes (plus touch-up) with the new '56 Gillette Gold Tip and I finished with the matching aftershave lotion.

Hope you have a great day. Smile

ETHOS Grooming Essentials / WWBW / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's

[Image: X8bJ07B.jpeg]

Matsilainen, SgtCrppls, Razorboy and 16 others like this post
U.S. Navy Veteran

"There isn't much that a great shave and hot cup of coffee can't fix"

Honolulu, Hawaii
[Image: W8ylOkp.jpeg]
Razor:    Schick B2 Repeating Razor
Blade:    Personna
Lather:  Truefitt and Hill Grafton
Brush:  Trotter Quartz Vein
Post:    Thayers Facial Tonic,
              Truefitt & Hill Grafton Balm

Sascoman, ram57, bayourider and 15 others like this post

It’s a lot more fun being 20 in the ‘70s than 70 in the '20s  - Joe Walsh
Brush: Varlet “Beehive “ 29mm HD Hybrid
Blade: Timor (1), 4 days of growth, so smooth and efficient
Soap: GD “Luxor” Kairos SE, my two favorite Kairos SE’s are Luxor & Ketoret
Razor: WR2 Ti SB 1.25 w/ Timeless Ti Crown  Handle

Incredible shave

[Image: BwFc5a5.jpeg]

Whiterook, Noire, Jim Kleinkauf and 15 others like this post

Mike Distress
New Jersey
SOTD: 10/20/2024

Razor: Yates 921-H SS
Blade: Personna Red, 1st use
Brush: Simpson Trafalgar T3
Soap: Viking Revolution Unscented
Aftershave: Tiki The Captain
Additional Care: Dickinson’s Witch Hazel Hydrating Toner

  - Shared from My Shave Den for iOS

[Image: Zm1G0XB.jpeg]

Jim Kleinkauf, Whiterook, Razorboy and 12 others like this post
integritas pietas fortitudinem
[Image: CkNezog.jpg]
Monday Shave
RAZOR: TRC SS Level 2 Gunmetal & Bamboo Handle
BLADE: BLADE: BLADE: Personna Lab Blue
BRUSH: Elite Razor Blue and Red 26mm Manchurian White
LATHER: D.R. Harris Almond Shaving Soap
POST: Moon Soaps Amaretto Speciale Aftershave

Rebus Knebus, CRISANTO, GlazedBoker and 9 others like this post
A&E Project C
Declaration Grooming Jefferson B1 
Wolfman/LASSco BBS-1
A&E Project C Splash
Nicholas Beardworks “Would You” beard oil
Roja Parfums Creation-E Parfum
[Image: ivEh3Q1.jpeg]

GlazedBoker, Sascoman, Polovez and 12 others like this post

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