
Doctor Strange of Wetshaving
Forio d'Ischia, Naples, Italy
SOTD 20200808 Cera Una Volta
by IschiaPP @ Forio
Bat71 “PP73”
Prugno (Plum), Abalone, Oumo Mother Lode, 28x53x115mm
Saponificio Varesino 1945 "Asylum Colonia"
Limited Edition 2018 Bullgoose Shaving
Beta4.3 Shaving Soap / After Shave Lotion
Colonial Razors "The General V1"
Aluminium 6061, Black Anodized B1, 44g, 50x96mm
Sapphoo Red #30
Kai Captain Titan Mild MG ProTouch Replica
Sample by klopp@ilRasoio
Farmacia Vaticana "Acqua di Colonia"
EDC Vapo (sample, repack)
#Shave #WetShaving #WetShavers
#ShaveOfTheDay #ShaveLikeaMan
#WaxUponATime #CeraUnaVolta
#ShavingSoap #AUgust #Test

[Image: JKn3E7R.jpg]

Full size:
Simple Minds - Mandela Day

jcmy53, Dave in KY, Calm_Shaver and 9 others like this post
Where there is a great desire there can be no great difficulty - Niccolò Machiavelli & Me
Greetings from Ischia. Pierpaolo

It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2020, 02:29 PM by GlazedBoker.)
(Pass Around)H&S PO76 OC 17-4 & TREET Platinum Stainless
Graydog 26mm Timberwolf Chechen/Rosewood
Aion by Grooming Dept.
La Toja a/s Locion
Creed Neroli Sauvage Parfum
[Image: g7t1SI3.jpg]

Polovez, jcmy53, Marko and 13 others like this post

East Texas
(08-08-2020, 02:45 AM)celestino Wrote:
8 August 2020

* Blackbird Polished SB
* Wizamet Iridium Super
* Epsilon 2-Band + DK Faux Briarwood C7
* Mystic Water Vetiver/Oakmoss
* Unrefined Shea Butter
* Bergamot/Vetiver EO

[Image: F7OYSK.jpg]

I love this. Perfection!

clint64, Jim Kleinkauf, celestino and 1 others like this post

Philadelphia, PA, USA

Another excellent shave this morning! VBBS above the jawline and DFS+ below. I remain in awe of the superb shaves delivered by my Gillette New LC, a razor that was neglected far too long! Remembering how happy I was with the Fine SS New LC homage razor, I will say that the original remains the one to beat! I hadn’t shaved with this razor for months, and had forgotten how efficient it was.  

One pass cleaned up around the AA and below the goat! The Rooney brush was a delight to use. It is a face latherer’s dream brush! It has an indescribable almost paradoxical soft firmness that delivered the perfect wet straight shaver’s lather to my mug. And when required, generated a thick protective lather to the noggin. The head shave felt really good, and this superb, vintage shaving tool opened the door to my favorite feeling of clean, cool, velveteen bliss!

RAZOR: Lord 6/8 (Mug), Gillette New LC (Dome)
BLADE: Polsilver
PREP: Cold water rinse followed by a scrub with Rabid Banana Preshave Cube
BRUSH: Rooney Badger
SOAP: Mitchell’s Wool Fat w/ 6 drops of M-Bomb
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by Humphreys Lilac WH and Osage Rub. Finished with Cremo Cooling Post Shave Balm.

[Image: KC6Dd6h.jpg]

120inna55, celestino, Dave in KY and 10 others like this post

Media, PA
(08-08-2020, 12:41 PM)SpeedyPC Wrote:
(08-08-2020, 12:02 PM)Gbsher Wrote: SOTD - 8/8/2020

[Image: bQaR2Cs.jpg]

IF...... I'm not mistaken, does this Viking razor above shave exactly like a Gillette Tech? and also nowhere near as a Feather AS-D2?

I never shaved with a Gillette Tech or the Feather AS-D2.  I can tell you that this Vikings Blade Godfather Stonehenge is a very mild razor, very heavy as well.  I like it with a Feather blade best.

clint64 likes this post

Posting Freak
(08-08-2020, 02:26 PM)120inna55 Wrote:
(08-08-2020, 02:45 AM)celestino Wrote:

[Image: F7OYSK.jpg]

I love this.  Perfection!

Thank you, for your kind words.  Shy

clint64 likes this post
Love, Laughter & Shaving  Heart

Atlanta, GA
August 8, 2020
Wolfman WR-1 OC Ti with Triad SS
Gillette 7 O’clock Yellow
Antica Barberia Boar
A&E Dirty Ginger
Shave Soap & Aftershave

[Image: IMG_8672-XL.jpg]

Polovez, Gbsher, Andrei and 9 others like this post

August 8th
Razor: Blackland Dart
Blade: Personna Platinum (2)
Brush: WWB Limedrop
Pre-shave: PAA Rabid Banana Cube
Soap: Stirling Boat Drinks
Stirling Orange Chill Witch Hazel
Stirling Glacial Balm
AS: Stirling Boat Drinks

Good morning!

[Image: 3025436e2db7e41012f33dd97962dc48.jpg]

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Calm_Shaver, celestino, ram57 and 10 others like this post

Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
Saturday, August 8
[Image: RYsuSKB.jpg]
BAUME.BE~~Simpson Milk Churn~~Fatip Lo Storto/Astra~~Old Spice Leather
Have a great day!

Gbsher, Jim Kleinkauf, celestino and 5 others like this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2
Gillette Old Type Slant #001 / BIC /MWF. Didn't expect that a little slant n torque would make the Old Type such a better shaver. Indeed it does.[Image: 5c26dde6c4a6a7e4ab852f02e3e4d5cc.jpg][Image: 2dec6f825c50c59bbbebf13cb151ec5a.jpg]

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

120inna55, jcmy53, Calm_Shaver and 5 others like this post

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