
Just Here for the Shaves
Williamsburg, KY
Wednesday July 21, 2021
Razor: WSC Winner
Blade: Wizamet (2)
Brush: Hembree Delrin Cashmere
Soap: Vintage Williams
AS 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
AS 2: Vintage Vintage Williams Aqua Velva
Fragrance: Scuderia Ferrari Black
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 987

[Image: ElIaxrG.jpg]

clint64, zaclikestoshave, jshaves2554 and 9 others like this post
This post by Dave in KY mentions views and opinions expressed and makes it known that they are "those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DFS or any other member, agency, organization, employer or company."  Big Grin

Atlanta, GA
July 21, 2021
Henson AL13
Gillette 7 O’clock Black
Simpson CH2 Synthetic
Antica Barberia de Barrio Shave Soap
Antica Barberia de Barrio Principe Real Aftershave

[Image: IMG_0537-XL.jpg]

jluc, jshaves2554, AQU and 9 others like this post

[Image: HgZZBR6.jpg]

Polovez, clint64, jshaves2554 and 10 others like this post
Deus Ex Machina
[Image: kHYzd8R.jpg]

clint64, jshaves2554, zaclikestoshave and 8 others like this post

-Another satisfied Fluffy Industries customer - V2 Mini Copper.
-Proud member of Club Oscuro - Trotter Handcrafts Costa Oscuro.

July 21st
Razor: S•H Apollo Light Aggressive
Blade: Gillette Platinum (2)
Brush: Heritage Collection Merit
Pre-shave: PAA Cube
Soap: B&M Nordost
Lucky Tiger Face Tonic
B&M Unscented Balm
AS: B&M Nordost

Good morning!

[Image: 5677b4f02163e781dca8aa894e94b096.jpg]

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

clint64, SRZ65LE#31, zaclikestoshave and 11 others like this post
Razor: Friedr Schlemper Focus 13/16
Strop: Tony Miller; Mastro Livi
Brush: Synthetic
Cream: OneBlade
Finale: Pecksniff's

[Image: ieRDXia.jpg]

Rebus Knebus, Patriot, zaclikestoshave and 9 others like this post
Timeless 68
Wizamet (2)
Semogue boar
MdC Agrumes
CC ceramic bowl
WCS/Fine Aquamarine AS
Three passes: CCS-DFS

Amazing how from day to day the feel of a shave can change.  I’m relearning how to manage the weight of the Timeless SS razor.  It’s an important variable that can assist or detract, apparently.  The MdC Agrumes has grown on me over time, in proportion to the growth of stubble it has helped me remove over time.  Greater familiarity, or greater awareness/appreciation on my part?  Who knows, but it’s good!

P.S., I’ve sort of managed to beat down my several intense and simultaneous shaving acquisition disorders over the last several months.  It’s given me some time to use and learn the various tools already at hand.  That’s good too.

Happy Shaves Gentlemen.

[Image: du4Cwuo.jpg]

Patriot, clint64, AQU and 9 others like this post
Sean, Upstate N.Y.


Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
Wednesday, July 21
[Image: p4uirNJ.jpg]
AoS Tallow Unscented~~Simpson "The Duke"~~Detroit National Cut. Co.~~Kiehl's Original Musk
Have a great day!

AQU, jluc, Jim Kleinkauf and 6 others like this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2

[Image: cbcaccd81116f00079224e467f62b033.jpg]


AQU, Dave in KY, jcmy53 and 9 others like this post

Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
Wednesday AM 2021-07-21
First walk on the moon by man on this date, Neil Armstrong, 1969
[Image: s5BEekk.jpg]

Rooney Stubby 3XXL Ivory Finest (32/52)
ABC shaving croap (sample from a friend)
LASSC BBS-1/UFO Titan Fine
Wilkinson Sword 'New' (18)
Floris No. 89 aftershave (vintage)

[Image: l1I5tMT.jpg]

clint64, jluc, Rebus Knebus and 8 others like this post

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