Sunday AM 2021-10-17
National Pasta Day
Rooney Emillion 2 Tiger Stripe Finest (24/53)
Art of Shaving Sandalwood shaving soap (tallow) + Coate's Sandalwood shaving cream
Paradigm 17-4/Wolfman WRH2
Schick Super Stainless (Chrome) (13)
Floris Santal aftershave
The Schick blade started out feeling just a little rough, but after 3-4 shaves it smoothed out to be equivalent to a Light Brigade or P74. It remains sharp now after 13 shaves, so I am going to try to use it for another 5 shaves or so to see how durable it is. I have noticed that it seems more finicky about the razor in which it is used: it worked really well in the brass Carbon Mokume-gane, the H&S P076-SB Copper, and the LASSC BBS-1, but not so well in the Wolfman WR2-SB or the Paradigm 17-4, for some reason. In contrast, a P74 or LB works well in any of those razors. I love these sandalwood software products, and the experience was finished really nicely with a touch of custom Ethos Mandarin-Mysore Santal EdP, one of my favorites.
National Pasta Day
Rooney Emillion 2 Tiger Stripe Finest (24/53)
Art of Shaving Sandalwood shaving soap (tallow) + Coate's Sandalwood shaving cream
Paradigm 17-4/Wolfman WRH2
Schick Super Stainless (Chrome) (13)
Floris Santal aftershave
The Schick blade started out feeling just a little rough, but after 3-4 shaves it smoothed out to be equivalent to a Light Brigade or P74. It remains sharp now after 13 shaves, so I am going to try to use it for another 5 shaves or so to see how durable it is. I have noticed that it seems more finicky about the razor in which it is used: it worked really well in the brass Carbon Mokume-gane, the H&S P076-SB Copper, and the LASSC BBS-1, but not so well in the Wolfman WR2-SB or the Paradigm 17-4, for some reason. In contrast, a P74 or LB works well in any of those razors. I love these sandalwood software products, and the experience was finished really nicely with a touch of custom Ethos Mandarin-Mysore Santal EdP, one of my favorites.
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