
NYC | Singapore
SOTD 4/18/2018

Razor: Blackbird
Blade: Voskhod (2)
Soap: Stirling Samples
Aftershave: Chatillon Lux YRP
Brush: Paladin Neptune Chief

[Image: S9lL0aH.jpg]

Razordude, GlazedBoker, jcmy53 and 16 others like this post
- Shi Yuan
(This post was last modified: 04-18-2018, 05:02 PM by Mickey ObermanSfZ2h8UM.)
[Image: IMGP8606.jpg]

RAZOR > Schick Instamatic Band.
BLADE > Schick Super Chromium Adjustable Band 5 edges. Edge #3. Shave 26. 2 Passes.
Touch up - zero.
BRUSH > Frank Shave Custom. Finest badger.
SOAP > Wilkinson Sword.
BOWL > Michal Yoresh Electric.
LOTION > Brut Original.
SHAVE > BBS. Number 26 shave on this edge. 2 Passes. Zero Touch up.


German, Hondo, celestino and 13 others like this post
The lovely and talented Stahly. BIC (2).[Image: 888caca57bc68b4e98b328fdfacb6a69.jpg]

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

linuxguile, Picturerock, 120inna55 and 14 others like this post

Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
Wednesday AM 2018-04-18

Georgetown Pottery G12 Scuttle
Rooney 3/2 Ebony Finest #2 (24/60)
Martin de Candre shaving soap
Delta Echo Ink Edition Feather AS-D2/Triad Purple Aristocrat Titanium
Wilkinson Light Brigade (11)
Mennen Skin Bracer aftershave

I'm sort of a fair-weather fan, but this morning I have Seattle Seahawks football colors in my setup.
[Image: Y34D3ts.jpg]

alfredus, Picturerock, German and 11 others like this post

Cincinnati. Ohio
[Image: HMKx38v.jpg]

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

RazoRock Mamba
Rapira Platinum Lux
Vie-Long Natural White Horse Hair
Omega Crema da Barba
Osma Bloc d’Alun
Fine Accoutrements Fresh Vetiver
Stirling Unscented Post Shave Balm


Mickey ObermanSfZ2h8UM, 120inna55, Picturerock and 13 others like this post
20 laps on a leather strop, one and a half passes, excellent shave.

[Image: DSC0281_1.jpg]

Matsilainen, SpeedyPC, celestino and 13 others like this post
Nuavia Rossa - M&F L7 Pre Collaboration - Georgetown Pottery G20 - Rockwell

[Image: Iws8Wsp.jpg]

DblDe, Mickey ObermanSfZ2h8UM, clint64 and 13 others like this post
Quickie today:

Usual shower with the hippie brush.

Face wash using Neutrogena for men (mentholated).

Mickey Lee's Peppermint pre-shave.

TOBS Peppermint soap (da best).

Paradigm 17-4 with a new Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow blade.

Two solid passes to mostly BBS.

Hot water rinse.

Thayer's medicated witch hazel (very liberally applied...).

Opted for a citrusy finish today, and slapped on a wee bit o' Fine's Italian Citrus AS.

Finished with Nivea for men ASB blue (alcohol version).


linuxguile, alfredus, Noire and 11 others like this post
(04-18-2018, 03:48 PM)iamsms Wrote: Some badgers (like this Shavemac) is working fine for me. Some aren't; but I would say my technique with badgers still need work. I am lazy and I use synthetics most day hence it's taking a long time to get used to badgers.

I am doing a mini blade exploration for this razor. So far I have tried KAI, Bolzano and Wizamet Iridium Super. I think I prefer the Wizamet.

When you say some badger aren't working for you, is it they aren't as luxurious in face feel as you want or is the lathering been a bit let to be desired?

In the Wolfmans I have tried (and BBS-1) Pol Silver Super Iridium were a very smooth and efficient pairing. Kai blades I enjoy in many razors but not the BBS-1. I keep meaning to test Bolzano Superinox. Good luck with your shaves testing blades. I am doing a bit of testing using the vintage blades I have.

Michael P, clint64 and Mickey ObermanSfZ2h8UM like this post

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