Wednesday AM 2021-07-14
Mariner 4 spacecraft sent first closeup pictures of Mars on this date, 1965
Rooney 3/3 Ivory Finest (26/60)
ABC shaving croap (sample)
Wolfman WR2-SB 0.95/Triad Aristocrat Brass & Stainless Steel
Wilkinson Sword 'New' (14)
Chanel Platinum Égoïste aftershave
The ABC, from a generous friend, made excellent lather with great slickness and glide. It has a pleasant lightly-toasted almond scent. The razor was very smooth and efficient, as always, but I am finding the Triad handle's etching to be a bit too sharp for my hand. This was my first use of the Chanel aftershave, and it was quite good, soothing and with a nice slight burn and a very good spicy-woody-floral fougère fragrance.