(This post was last modified: 09-05-2024, 10:01 AM by Hercules34. Edited 1 time in total.)
Hello everyone,
Trying out the 0.3 and 0.7 plates to check my initial choice of a 0.5 plate for this Number 7 razor of ATELIER DURDAN.
The plates were lent to me as part of the PASS AROUND organised by the AGAINST THE GRAIN forum and with the kind cooperation of HOLYZEUS from Great Britain, whom I would like to thank very much here.
I found this delicious scent of violets from JABONMAN complemented by this excellent AS from ETHOS
Test with an ASTRA GREEN plate
-> The violets ... What happiness
-> 0.3 plate - it doesn't shave much, so I quickly switched to the other one
-> 0.7 plate - I love it, it's super effective and gentler than the 0.5.
Well, the next test will be with the 0.5 and 0.7 plates, but this one has won me over - I'll take the opportunity to give you more details.
Today, BBS in 2 passes with a few touch-ups
Et voilà,
Have a nice day !
Barba Non Facit Philosophum