(This post was last modified: 11-01-2020, 09:21 PM by ALI. Edit Reason: sold )
[Image: OTojdot.jpg]

APR Ozymandias (small amount scooped 1x for test lather) - $24 shipped CONUS
GD Lavender Kairos (small amount scooped 2x) - $23 shipped CONUS - SOLD
Cella (scooped 2x) + 2oz Catie’s Bubbles Midnight Dreary (new/unused) - $10 shipped CONUS

Take APR, Cella, and Catie's Bubbles for $29 shipped CONUS.

Shipped CONUS via Paypal G&S (fees and shipping included).

AQU and pork like this post
updated for lot splitting and price drop.
Lot sold.

Dave in KY likes this post

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