Poll: Is your stroke QUICK or SLOW?
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Quick or Slow? How would you describe the speed of your shaving stroke?

Lately I've been experimenting with the speed of my shaving stroke to see if I could notice any difference in the comfort and/or the quality of my shave. Has anyone else fooled around with this concept intentionally?

Given that all other variables are the same (ie blade sharpness, lather quality, skin health, water quality, etc) do you think there would be an advantage to one approach over the other for destubbleification & why.

PS: Bonus points if you can name the movie this song was featured in without looking it up.
>>> Brian <<<
Happy beeps, buddy! Happy beeps!
(07-04-2015, 12:55 AM)SharpSpine Wrote: http://youtu.be/sXOKPRqIEwc

Quick or Slow? How would you describe the speed of your shaving stroke?

Lately I've been experimenting with the speed of my shaving stroke to see if I could notice any difference in the comfort and/or the quality of my shave. Has anyone else fooled around with this concept intentionally?

Given that all other variables are the same (ie blade sharpness, lather quality, skin health, water quality, etc) do you think there would be an advantage to one approach over the other for destubbleification & why.

PS: Bonus points if you can name the movie this song was featured in without looking it up.

I've not did it intentionally but I have noticed myself doing this the more I get used to using a razor. i don't think it made any appreciable difference to the quality of the shave except more cuts or nicks than usual. I would never have gotten that soundtrack trivia and I know film!

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