io am just arrived on this beautifull web site.
io did all the steps to get registered but i can't get into the shopping section. i received your emails with the last news about the most recent razors to buy.
io am interested to buy a couple of razors but it doesn't let me buy or comunicate with the seller...
what i have to do???
This post in the Forum FAQ explains.


Welcome aboard and let us get to know you. Smile

Chicago Suburbs
The rule was created to prevent people from joining the site for the sole purpose of buying or selling items. Some folks might even create multiple accounts for the purpose of deception. This would weaken the forum membership.
Thank you for the clarifications about the rules . So i have to wait a couple of weeks before i can start a deal with a seller...I compltely understand the meaning of this rule.
thanks again and i will be back in few days hoping the razors i am interested to they will still available...
best regards,
truly sorry about my english...

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