
(10-01-2021, 05:54 PM)Sledge Wrote: I sold it for Eric.  I have supported Eric from the start but was not one of the testers of the prototype.  He sent me the black one to test after the LE was released.  I agree with everyone that the changes resulted in a very aggressive razor, much blade feel.  Eric's achievement is monumental despite the revision snafu though.

Although we are not close, I have kept in touch with him, pestering and bugging him to let me buy or foster home one of the prototypes since I fell in love with the steam punk flavored design. 

A member of another forum read my review and contacted me about the possibility of acquiring one of the returns so I contacted Eric about it.  He is still sad about how folks were unhappy with his revision and he didn't want to create more unhappy customers.  I talked him into sending me one since the person who contacted me was interested in the razor from a collector viewpoint rather than comfort of shave.  Eric sent me 3 LE's so I could pick the best one for the collector.  One went to the forum member who initially contacted me, one was sold at auction, one remains.  I may list that one for Eric or send it back to him, his choice.

The auction listing was my idea.  I was initially surprised that the auction went so high.  But when I thought more about it I realized that since there are only 51 and will probably never be more, and that collectors live for rarity, it made sense.  I have been following this thread but did not want to comment before now in case it might be perceived as promotion of the sale.

I have no news about next steps that Eric might take but I gather from our texts that he has redesigned the razor to be milder and easier to manufacture with fewer parts.  I will keep in touch with him about his plans and will share whatever news he says is ok to share. 

Happy shaves all!

It's really a shame that Eric feels the way he does but it has been said before that there is no need for revision, as revision is what screwed it up for him!! He should just release the original prototype that everyone loved, make his money, reinstate his name in the business, and call it a successful day!! It's all laid out in front of him and has been said multiple times to date... I just don't understand why he feels the need to ruin what was obviously successful to begin with!!

Dragonsbeard, FloridaCreekIndian, koenfucius and 2 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2021, 07:54 PM by Sledge.)
(10-02-2021, 09:31 AM)Tester28 Wrote:
(10-01-2021, 05:54 PM)Sledge Wrote: Eric's achievement is monumental despite the revision snafu though.


But you have supplied an excellent example of a modern day oxymoron.
Give the guy some credit for Pete's sake.  If you can cancel the worth of any accomplishment by pointing out that the result was not perfect then nothing humans have accomplished can be viewed as a success.  

I shaved with mine today on 7, new GSB, SS oil, using the lightest touch I could manage, riding the cap not the bar.  No nicks, burn or weepers.  Could I have gotten a more comfortable shave with another razor?  Definitely.  Could I have gotten a more efficient shave with another razor.  No.

Curious: Do you own one of the LE's and did you get a chance to test the prototype?

muzichead : "I just don't understand why he feels the need to ruin what was obviously successful to begin with!!"
Neither do I my friend. I nagged him to death to PLEASE go back to prototype specs. I too am baffled about why he must forge ahead with revisions when imo he nailed it the first time around. Someone convinced him to go away from the domed heavy design and I think he likes the more modern look he achieved with the LE. I have not given up on a limited run of the prototype and will contribute if given the opportunity.

Scaramouche, CK89, koenfucius and 7 others like this post

Living on the edge
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2021, 04:21 PM by Tester28.)
(10-02-2021, 07:44 PM)Sledge Wrote: Give the guy some credit for Pete's sake.  If you can cancel the worth of any accomplishment by pointing out that the result was not perfect then nothing humans have accomplished can be viewed as a success.  

We are living in some strange times where the definitions of well established words seems to be in
a constant state of flux. Up is down. Orange is blue. And a newly launched $500 razor that saw the
most customer returns ever is being badged as some sort of watershed moment for razor design.

This is just straight up gaslighting...and to what end....I do not know.

I sympathise with the designer....but he made some critical errors towards the end.
This undid all the progress made. I understand we're now in a world where everyone
gets a prize merely for showing up to play, but we should try to be honest about certain things.
Defining a flop as some sort of achievement sends the wrong message and certainly strikes a
discordant note for me.

Maybe this guy will come back, wiser, and set the shaving world ablaze with what was surely a tough
re-design to pull off. And I hope he does. But until then, I choose to reserve judgement.

Gopneg, LOOT and muzichead like this post
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2021, 08:15 PM by Sledge.)
(10-03-2021, 04:20 PM)Tester28 Wrote:
(10-02-2021, 07:44 PM)Sledge Wrote: Give the guy some credit for Pete's sake.  If you can cancel the worth of any accomplishment by pointing out that the result was not perfect then nothing humans have accomplished can be viewed as a success.  

We are living in some strange times where the definitions of well established words seems to be in
a constant state of flux. Up is down. Orange is blue. And a newly launched $500 razor that saw the
most customer returns ever is being badged as some sort of watershed moment for razor design.

This is just straight up gaslighting...and to what end....I do not know.

I sympathise with the designer....but he made some critical errors towards the end.
This undid all the progress made. I understand we're now in a  world where everyone
gets a prize merely for showing up to play, but we should try to be honest about certain things.
Defining a flop as some sort of achievement sends the wrong message and certainly strikes a
discordant note for me.

Maybe this guy will come back, wiser, and set the shaving world ablaze with what was surely a tough
re-design to pull off. And I hope he does. But until then, I choose to reserve judgement.
Nonsense.  Eric's revision in no way undid all the progress he made.  Your pessimistic view that no progress is made unless the result is perfect is a prime example of how some people refuse to see good in anything, preferring instead to cast shade on any accomplishment unless it meets their definition of success.  I ask again: Did you test the prototype and do you own an LE?

You claim above that until Eric comes back with a better design you choose to reserve judgement.  But you have not reserved your judgement, you continue to ignore the achievement altogether, call the project a flop, and use the term gaslighter to describe someone who states a different view.  Exactly who is gaslighting who here?  Just to clear it up for you: Gaslighting is trying to convince someone that their view is false when it is true.  "The bully or abuser makes the target question their judgments and reality."  You are working hard to gaslight everyone who thinks that Eric's work is a huge achievement.  Give up, you aren't changing anyone's mind.  I see someone who jumps at the chance to bring another human being down a notch instead of lift them up.  I have seen no praise from you in even the slightest way for the accomplishment.  Your focus has been entirely negative.

Many have opined that the razor was a success albeit not as successful as it could have been due to last minute revisions.  Those of that opinion aren't gaslighting anyone.  Calling Eric's achievement a flop is just being mean spirited.  THAT is what we have too much of in our society today.  Being gracious to others, giving credence to their opinions, and noting their achievements is becoming extinct.

LOOT, Gopneg, koenfucius and 6 others like this post

Hope this auction gives Eric great motivation to bring V2. Awesome job Sledge

cornbread, Gopneg, LOOT and 6 others like this post

Living on the edge
(This post was last modified: 10-04-2021, 11:33 AM by Tester28.)
(10-03-2021, 08:14 PM)Sledge Wrote: Nonsense.  Eric's revision in no way undid all the progress he made.  Your pessimistic view that no progress is made unless the result is perfect is a prime example of how some people refuse to see good in anything, preferring instead to cast shade on any accomplishment unless it meets their definition of success.  I ask again: Did you test the prototype and do you own an LE?

You claim above that until Eric comes back with a better design you choose to reserve judgement.  But you have not reserved your judgement, you continue to ignore the achievement altogether, call the project a flop, and use the term gaslighter to describe someone who states a different view.  Exactly who is gaslighting who here?  Just to clear it up for you: Gaslighting is trying to convince someone that their view is false when it is true.  "The bully or abuser makes the target question their judgments and reality."  You are working hard to gaslight everyone who thinks that Eric's work is a huge achievement.  Give up, you aren't changing anyone's mind.  I see someone who jumps at the chance to bring another human being down a notch instead of lift them up.  I have seen no praise from you in even the slightest way for the accomplishment.  Your focus has been entirely negative.

Many have opined that the razor was a success albeit not as successful as it could have been due to last minute revisions.  Those of that opinion aren't gaslighting anyone.  Calling Eric's achievement a flop is just being mean spirited.  THAT is what we have too much of in our society today.  Being gracious to others, giving credence to their opinions, and noting their achievements is becoming extinct.

Trying to paint a commercial failure as a success is the very definition of gaslighting.
You can continue your adulation of this designer, but just know that not everybody
buys this fake idolatry you're trying to propagate.

If he comes back with a new razor and it succeeds then you can crow all you want.
But right now all you have is "did you use the prototype or LE"? LOL

That is not how discussion forums work...if that were the case only 50 people would be allowed
to post on this thread. Don't be a totalitarian.

PS. Based on your ideas for what constitutes success, the launch of the Challenger was probably a
resounding triumph, notwithstanding a bunch of faulty o-rings.

muzichead and LOOT like this post
(This post was last modified: 10-04-2021, 04:42 PM by Sledge.)
(10-03-2021, 09:56 PM)CK89 Wrote: Hope this auction gives Eric great motivation to bring V2. Awesome job Sledge

(10-04-2021, 10:08 AM)Tester28 Wrote:
(10-03-2021, 08:14 PM)Sledge Wrote: Nonsense.  Eric's revision in no way undid all the progress he made.  Your pessimistic view that no progress is made unless the result is perfect is a prime example of how some people refuse to see good in anything, preferring instead to cast shade on any accomplishment unless it meets their definition of success.  I ask again: Did you test the prototype and do you own an LE?

You claim above that until Eric comes back with a better design you choose to reserve judgement.  But you have not reserved your judgement, you continue to ignore the achievement altogether, call the project a flop, and use the term gaslighter to describe someone who states a different view.  Exactly who is gaslighting who here?  Just to clear it up for you: Gaslighting is trying to convince someone that their view is false when it is true.  "The bully or abuser makes the target question their judgments and reality."  You are working hard to gaslight everyone who thinks that Eric's work is a huge achievement.  Give up, you aren't changing anyone's mind.  I see someone who jumps at the chance to bring another human being down a notch instead of lift them up.  I have seen no praise from you in even the slightest way for the accomplishment.  Your focus has been entirely negative.

Many have opined that the razor was a success albeit not as successful as it could have been due to last minute revisions.  Those of that opinion aren't gaslighting anyone.  Calling Eric's achievement a flop is just being mean spirited.  THAT is what we have too much of in our society today.  Being gracious to others, giving credence to their opinions, and noting their achievements is becoming extinct.

Trying to paint a commercial failure as a success is the very definition of gaslighting.
You can continue your adulation of this designer, but just know that not everybody
buys this fake idolatry you're trying to propagate.

If he comes back with a new razor and it succeeds then you can crow all you want.
But right now all you have is "did you use the prototype or LE"? LOL

That is not how discussion forums work...if that were the case only 50 people would be allowed
to post on this thread. Don't be a totalitarian.

PS. Based on your ideas for what constitutes success, the launch of the Challenger was probably a
resounding triumph, notwithstanding a bunch of faulty o-rings.

gaslighting, adulation, fake idolatry, totalitarian...  Wow man you live for negativity.  I tend to steer clear of people with narrow mean spirited mindsets like yours.  I have to say you are one of the most disagreeable folks I have corresponded with on this platform.  

You refuse to answer the basic question:  Did you use the prototype or LE?  You haven't have you?  You can't answer since that would show that you speak as an authority when you have no firsthand knowledge of what you endlessly criticize.

I use the razor, I do not find it to be unusable or excessively ill designed.  Your definition of flop includes a skyrocketing secondary market value?  When you use the razor and have an opinion that bears some weight then your comments will have value.  Until then your commentary will be ignored.  We have enough naysayers in the world, can you find it within yourself to say something positive for a change?

By the way if you think the entire space program was a failure due to the tragedy of Challenger then you have proven my point that you have nothing positive to add to any discussion and will argue for the negative until you are out of breath.

Now tell us all how discussion forums work since my responding to your endless negativity is deemed by you to be totalitarian.

CK89, AQU, LOOT and 3 others like this post

Jozi, South Africa
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2021, 03:24 AM by Clouds.)
(10-04-2021, 04:41 PM)Sledge Wrote: Wow man you live for negativity.  I tend to steer clear of people with narrow mean spirited mindsets like yours.  I have to say you are one of the most disagreeable folks I have corresponded with on this platform.  
Agreed +1000 times.
He must be the most negative person across all forums.

wyze0ne, Sledge, Blackland Razors and 2 others like this post

Living on the edge
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2021, 11:27 AM by Tester28.)
I am not wasting any more time debating about a flop razor with a couple of shills.

You seem to be in a cult of sorts...and I know you've run out of rational arguments when you start
targeting me for "negativity".

I continue to marvel at my good fortune to be able to enjoy so many great razors that put a smile
on my face every day. (So much to be positive and thankful for.)

Enjoy your marvel razor that chalked up the most product returns in recent memory.

The only reason I speak up when people like you gaslight on threads like this is to make it clear that
not everyone is buying the yarns you're spinning.

(10-05-2021, 11:21 AM)Tester28 Wrote: I am not wasting any more time debating about a flop razor with a couple of shills.

You seem to be in a cult of sorts...and I know you've run out of rational arguments when you start
targeting me for "negativity".

I continue to marvel at my good fortune to be able to enjoy so many great razors that put a smile
on my face every day. (So much to be positive and thankful for.)

Enjoy your marvel razor that chalked up the most product returns in recent memory.

The only reason I speak up when people like you gaslight on threads like this is to make it clear that
not everyone is buying the yarns you're spinning.

It is funny that you still don't reply his simple question..

AQU likes this post

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