(04-04-2017, 11:09 PM)mr. smith Wrote: My first review: Wickham Soap Co. 1912 Citrus Musk Soap Review

Andrew, thank you for this contest!

Good luck to all!

Protest on counting this review in the giveaway. mr. smith used a Mervyn Cadman brush and then reviews soap. Obviously such a fine brush impacts the review. The fact I have 2 brushes on order from Mervyn and like the razor has not impacted my bi-partisian vote. Did I mention my Mervyn Cadman "Prince Memorial" brush using some purple rain pigments would match the razor wonderfully.
PS: mr. smith really nice review - educational in informative - much better than my first review

Oasisdave and mr. smith like this post
Thank you very much for the compliments of my review. This little giveaway showed me a side of the forums that I had not seen before. Reviews, especially from the experienced wet shavers in the community can be very useful. I felt that the 1912 Citrus Musk was too easy to gush over; making my review rather pleasurable. I received and tried out Darron's "Magnum" soap yesterday. I will have to review that as well; it's even better.

Your "Prince Memorial" brush could be the tie-breaker though! I've got Mervyn seeing about finding the components to make me a jade colored brush; he should be getting back to me any day now. Standard I wish you the best of luck; our chances are getting better and better.

Standard and Oasisdave like this post
- Josh

Thanks for the contest!

andrewjs18 likes this post
FYI - currently Friday April 7 12:32 AM in Spain (where the razor was made). Not to mention has been Friday in most of the world for many hours now.
mr. smith

mr. smith likes this post

Philadelphia, PA
I'm in America. Tongue

Standard and mr. smith like this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
Done, a review of a hall of fame aftershave. The notorious Alt-Innsbruck.


andrewjs18 likes this post

Idaho Falls, Idaho
I sure want in! Love the review feature and posted my opinion of DR Harris Windsor. Link https://damnfineshave.com/reviews-produc...is-windsor

andrewjs18 and mr. smith like this post

Philadelphia, PA
hi all,

there were 6 posts in this thread with links to new reviews, as required by the rules.  I put numbers 1 as the start and 6 as the finish in the random number generator.  #3 is the winner, which is Oasisdave.  

[Image: c1KQ2mQ.jpg]


GloryUprising and mr. smith like this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Idaho Falls, Idaho
Congrats oasisdave but I'd be lying if I said I was happy for you. I wanted the beautiful razor. Enjoy it my friend.

mr. smith and andrewjs18 like this post
WoooHoooo! Thanks everyone and thanks Andrew for a very nice & generous giveaway!

Freddy and andrewjs18 like this post
"Always walk where you like your steps"

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