I have now had 7 shaves with the Schick O and Schick twin blade combination and 4 shaves with the Schick N1 and Schick twin blade combination. Between the two, I currently favor the Schick O for what I perceive is a satisfying effectiveness with high comfort. I look forward to reaching for the Schick O and the outcomes that can be achieved.
The N1 can also be effective but it requires a bit more effort which can lead to some mild feedback on the neck and jawline. When I have backed off on touch ups or pressure it still results in a solid shave but not as strong on BBS duration or coverage. For balance, the N1 is still a nice shaver overall with the Schick twin blade and some of the feedback may be a technique issue that will improve with more runtime. ( As a side note, I did get one shave in with the N1 and a conventional Schick injector blade. I needed to start with that blade to feed in the twin variant. I tried injecting the twin with no blade installed and it was seemingly impossible. )
I am working both razors up to a blade reuse count that matches up with my M1 and Schick twin blade. I then plan to conduct a more formal side by side comparison. But I am fairly certain the Schick O will lead on comfort and effectiveness. The Schick O also tied with the La Faulx for my most used razor in July. Needless to say, I am enjoying the O quite a bit.
Dave in KY and
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