I really enjoyed thebOld School soap ans aftershave too... very well done.

Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk

Calm_Shaver, Mpescado and Razor Emporium like this post
Another shave in.
This razor performs like no other razor I own. Its just amazing. Used settings 6.5 and thought it my be too aggressive but no, smooth as silk. It works great on setting 1 too.
There is an issue with blade loading to get it to sit right. Had to try multiple times and ended up cutting my finger. Lot of curvature in the top cap and the posts dont extend far enough to hold the blade steady as you plug in the base causing the balde to move. Does not give a feeling of cofidence when you load the blade, so can end up with a misaligned blade.

But this razor performs man.
Am in love with the Old school soap and aftershave...so good

Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk

Calm_Shaver, Ventastic, Dave in KY and 2 others like this post
Final thoughts

This razor is a masterpiece. Impeccable construction and handling with perfect weight. The shaves are just so smooth, unbelievable.. Matt is a genius.
Works great with any blade. Used the Nacet, wilkinson sword saloon pack, Astra SP and all worked amazingly.
Old school soap and AF ...another winner in my book. Very enjoyable.
I dont usually shave with slants and dont own any but this really impressed me.
The only issue is with blade loading..not very easy and one has to bend the blade to make it stay secured within the top cap posts as you try and attach the other part. I did cut my finger once trying to set the blade. Dont get the feeling of confidence that you loaded it right.
Also, its a great razor to take off many days growth. I tried a shave after 24hrs and used only settings 1 and 2 and although got great results, it came with decent razor burn.
Overall though...this is one of the most beautiful and best handling and performing razors I have tried.
I own the envoy and love it. I have not tried the ambassador but after trying the Konsul, I can understand why that is so loved. The Konsul works well in all settings... unlike a lot of adjustables where only 2 ir 3 settings are worth using.

Maybe I will try and gather the money to someday buy an ambassador. I did try the Pearl flexi and it was great but this is another level.

Just superb work and shows the dedication in the quest for perfection.


Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk

ALI, Calm_Shaver and Dave in KY like this post
Hi Everyone,

How do I get on the pass around list to be able to try the razor?
andrewjs18  Can I be added to the list?  WI

Philadelphia, PA
(05-28-2022, 07:06 PM)g1010 Wrote: Hi Everyone,

How do I get on the pass around list to be able to try the razor?

you need to have 10 posts and be registered for 14 days so you can send/receive PMs, as a starter.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Philadelphia, PA
Pass around list:
andrewjs18 (Pennsylvania)
Dave in KY (Kentucky)
cornbread (New York)
Lbkindy (Indiana)
CK89 (Indiana)
ewk (South Carolina)
Calm_Shaver (New York)
Marhos24 (Michigan)
Asafiev (Pennsylvania)
keto (Missouri) *removed at user's request*
Ketotrader (Virginia)
ALI (Connecticut)
mgurmgur (New Jersey)
Bullyson (Kentucky)
Mpescado (New Jersey)
bobmsp (Minnesota)
Timeclo (California)
george1906 ()
Einar (Wisconsin)

Mpescado likes this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
Razor safely in my possession. I will post my thoughts on the razor and send to next person next week. mgurmgur please PM me your address so I have it ready to go.

Thanks Matt Razor Emporium and andrewjs18 for the passaround!

Razor Emporium, andrewjs18 and Mpescado like this post
Looking forward to your review

Razor Emporium and ALI like this post
Razor is safely cleaned and packed and will be on its way to next member on the passaround shortly.

Thanks Razor Emporium for the passaround.

Here are my thoughts:

  • First let me state that I am a big fan of Rex razor designs and build quality, as a general matter. I very much like the Envoy, it is one of my favorite shavers. The Ambassador is also an excellent razor although I much prefer fixed geometry razors over adjustables.
  • I had 5 shaves and used a NOS London Bridge blade. Each setting from 1-6.5 was usable and comfortable for me.
  • Shaving ATG, a litmus test for me, was comfortable. 
  • The razor feels very smooth and is efficient. There is less blade feel compared to the Ambassador. I feel like Matt has designed a razor that can appeal to those who may not have liked the Ambassador. I like this thought process a lot. Not only can it broaden the market for those who can not enjoy a Rex razor, but it can also add diversity to the den. For me, I do not look for razors that shave the same as what I already have, I look for razors that are unique in some way. The Konsul certainly does this well.
  • The knurnling on the handle is very good. It is not as good as the Ambassador / Envoy - that is the king of knurling and my favorite handle in the den. But it is still excellent. 
  • Build quality, finish, and so on, is excellent. 
  • As with almost all of us on this forum, we have pretty big DE collections and so don't really feel the need for an adjustable. Also, I like each razor to have fixed geometry.  Adjustables are too much for me to think about. Just a personal preference.
  • When Razor Emporium releases a fixed Konsul (what the Envoy is to the Ambassador) - I will be buying.

Razor Emporium congrats on another winner. I look forward to buying the non-adjustable Konsul when released. Keep us posted on timing there!

Mpescado, Dave in KY, andrewjs18 and 2 others like this post

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