I was pondering this question since I am buying just one more Wolfman when my name comes up.  (I honestly have nothing better to do, but that will be addressed on a mental health website.)  I would appreciate feedback from those that have sampled a variety of Wolfman's and how they would rank them.  

My ranking is:
1.  WR2 1.55SB Ti
2.  WR1 .86SB Ti
3.  WR2 1.35SB Ti
4.  WR1 .74SB SS
5.  WR2 1.25SB SS
6.  WR1 .67SB SS
7.  WR1 .61SB SS

I have a Brushed Handle and Stand in Stainless Steel but am lacking a Razor Head.  Should I keep the Head in SS or would you change metals?  So many questions, so little time.  Thank you my learned colleagues.

Calm_Shaver likes this post
“just one more Wolfman”. I gave up saying that long ago, haha.

My favorite is the WR2 in the largest gap I own, 1.65, but I also suspect I’d like 1.75 or 1.85 even more. Polished titanium is my favorite for the WR1 and WR2 and I’d recommend trying Ti.

2nd to the WR2 would be my WR1 1.15 gap also in Ti.

Don’t feel too bad, you haven’t even gone down the WR3 and WR4 rabbit hole…yet.

rocket likes this post
I appreciate the response.  Have you mixed Ti Heads with SS handles?  If so, your thoughts would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Deus Vult likes this post
I've mixed SS hollow handle vs Ti handle with WR2 Ti head to test. 
  The hollow which can be very close to Ti handle weight ( ballpark 1-2 grams) from memory.  This is like the WRH7 & WRH3.  
The shaving experience with those examples is virtually the same to me.
(This post was last modified: 08-07-2023, 05:26 AM by Oregon.)
I "only" own two and I rank them as follows:

WR2 Ti 1.05 oc
WR2 Ti 1.25 sb

Living on the edge
All rankings are subjective.
I find the WR2 head superior to WR1 in its geometry.
1.35 is my sweet spot for WR2 (my perfect balance for efficiency and comfort)
WR1 is very easily replaced by a Carbon CX head ++ razor

For me, Ti is way superior to SS for Wolfman razors.
(Conversely, I prefer SS to Ti when it comes to the Carbon CX web series)

rocket and Sascoman like this post
(This post was last modified: 08-07-2023, 07:38 AM by never2close.)
I appreciate the responses so far. My indecision is on the model, blade gap and metal of the head. The handle has been decided by default. A solid SS WRH7. I am leaning towards a WR2 1.65 Ti or 1.45 SS. Not sure my logic is sound, but with moving the balance point away from the head, I think a more aggressive blade gap will work. Thanks.

Living on the edge
Expensive punt to take...these days, reselling a Wolfman isn't what it used to be.
Pray you got it right.
A heavier handle will put more pressure on the head when you move it on your skin.
He does make hollow SS handles which do a good job.

Also depends on the age of your skin...I believe these large gaps to be great but they
also subject skin to greater wear.
At the end of the day, I would say very few people land on their ideal Wolfman with only one
spin of the wheel. You have to try a few to know what's what.
I would suggest a wr1 head if your handle is the 7. That handle doesn’t look right with the #2 head, in my opinion. Maybe you should add an OC to your collection. I have a WR2 1.25 SB, and a WR1 .74 OC. I would rank them pretty even in terms if efficienc, but the OC is better when I skip a day or 2. The WR2 might be slightly less aggressive, but it’s really close.
OC has always given me pause.  I am revisiting that option.  Thanks.

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