
Posting Freak
I have frequently experienced unsolicited acts of kindness in the several years that I've been active in wet shaving and I've tried to pay it forward whenever I can because it keeps the scales in balance but mostly because it just feels so good to help folks out.

The latest random act of kindness for which I am grateful comes to me from West Coast Shaving, a California based vendor of an excellent line of shaving products.  Being based in Canada, I will purchase from West Coast Shaving when they carry something that I can't get from a Canadian based vendor - shipping costs are always a concern for non-USA buyers because we don't qualify for free shipping.  In any case I had decided after listening to a Lather Talk podcast episode #012 where the guest is Neil Breed of Heritage Collection Shaving on replica shaving brushes.  Neil had mentioned the boar knot that can be found in the Omega 10098 brush. (Thanks Jon and Gerard  Happy2). So being a boar brush fan I went looking for that brush but found it sold out in Canada so I bought it on West Coast Shaving website.  I mentioned this on another thread but I bought the brush on Martch 30 and after two months I still hadn't received it.  So I contacted WCS via the PayPal contact info and explained the issue and a very helpful gentleman named Abraham offered to either replace or refund it.  It was by that time sold out on WCS as well so I selected option 2 and Abraham promptly credited my PayPal account for the purchase price.  So this morning the brush showed up on my doorstep having taken a 9 week tour through somewhere.  I was delighted so I contacted Abraham at West Coast Shaving and told him it had arrived and could he reverse the refund whereupon he told be not to worry about it and to consider it a gift. That made my day. Thank you Abraham and West Coast Shaving!  Happy2 Happy2 Happy2

If anyone else want to post on random acts of kindness on this thread I th8nk that would be great.

ALI, ExtraProtein, DanLaw and 3 others like this post

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
I had something similar with Chatillon Lux.  I had ordered an eau de toilette and an unscented aftershave.  When the package arrived, there was an Unscented Post-Shave Toner instead of the aftershave I wanted.  I got in touch with Shawn of C.L. and when he checked my order he promised to send out the proper product.  I also happened to mention that an atomizer on a Chatillon Lux EdT that I already had had stopped working.  While waiting for the proper aftershave to arrive, I tried the post-shave toner, which I was told to keep.  I was blown away by it (I already knew I loved the regular aftershave).  When the proper aftershave arrived, there were also three atomizers in the box.  Feeling badly that I liked a product that I didn't pay for, I sent Shawn a check to cover the cost of the post-shave toner and the three atomizers with a letter of explanation.  About a week or two later I received a text from Shawn thanking me but telling me that he wouldn't accept money for his mistake and that he had torn up the check.  To me, this is beyond good service; this is paying it forward.

ExtraProtein, Michael P, Marko and 1 others like this post
Love these stories! So often we hear about terrible customer service (I've done it myself) and while that can serve as a caution, it's great to hear the positive. My dealings with Abraham and Shawn (along with many others in the community) have been superb-they go above and beyond for the customer.

Freddy, ExtraProtein, Marko and 1 others like this post
All the best,

Michael P

I’ve got another Chatillon Lux story. I love Shawn’s limited edition aftershave, West Egg. After it was sold out, I meekly inquired if he had any extras sitting around his shop that I could buy. A few days later I received three unopened bottles. He wouldn’t even let me pay postage. I’m now an unwavering lifetime customer and devotee of CL and Shawn Maher.

Marko, ExtraProtein, Lipripper660 and 1 others like this post

Santa Rosa - CA
(This post was last modified: 06-10-2020, 02:37 PM by GroomingDept.)
Keeping a long story short. For their first order, West Coast Shaving prepaid and waited two months until I was able to ship the order. Single-handedly, they're the reason I was able to keep GD going until I turned a profit. I'm eternally grateful for their support.

LOOT, Michael P, Marko and 4 others like this post

Posting Freak
GroomingDept , I’m moved by your story. You just never know how far a little kindness, a little patience might go. Like ripples on a pond.

Michael P, ExtraProtein, GroomingDept and 2 others like this post
Nice to hear.

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