Today I was able to mail off a little shaving care package to an old high school, soccer playing buddy. We haven't stayed in close contact but through the magic that can be Facebook we stayed connected. He must have seen my shaving pictures & posts as he sent me a message last week asking for some help after he picked up a MicroTouch One set from WallyWorld.

It was nice catching up with him and I of course pointed him in several directions; including DFS andrewjs18. Wink Now I can't wait to hear from him on Wednesday or Thursday after he gets his new shaving kit. I was able to include a synthetic shaving brush along with a soap & aftershave set. I don't want to say exactly what it is in case he does join us here and sees this post. I don't want to ruin the surprise.

EFDan, Aurelian28, wyze0ne and 5 others like this post
>>> Brian <<<
Happy beeps, buddy! Happy beeps!

Philadelphia, PA
kudos for spreading the word!

SharpSpine likes this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Excellent news, Brian.  He certainly gets to go to one of the best sources for shaving tips. Happy2

I hope we shall see him here.

SharpSpine likes this post

Posting Freak
Great work, Brian! Football and shaving are synonymous to me; both such fine and pleasurable pass-times. Big Grin

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Love, Laughter & Shaving  Heart

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