
Chester County, PA
(02-04-2024, 01:53 PM)Georgi Wrote: How much is blade gap in DB Ti ?
That is every day razor? Where to buy

How much is blade gap in DB Ti ?

It’s not published.  

That is every day razor? 

It depends on your beard growth.  There is a little blade feel but it’s very smooth. I only need to shave every 36-48 hours with it. 

Where to buy?

It is currently sold out and he is not taking more preorders as of now.  Probably in 1-2 months it will open back up for orders. 

The Salient is a good test drive.  I find it a mix between the Dback and the Ti2.

Georgi likes this post

Living on the edge
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2024, 06:59 PM by Tester28.)

In the old DB (2020) thread, the gap was mentioned as 0.8mm or so.
Pretty sure this would be an everyday razor.

shaveSymptomatic and Georgi like this post

Living on the edge
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2024, 06:55 PM by Tester28.)
(02-04-2024, 02:21 PM)Trey Wrote: Where did you see Lambda Athena Ti? I can't find it on the Lambda Razors official site. Thank you in advance!

Got this pic from a. thread here:
LtoR: Bronze, SS, Ti (assuming the poster is correct)

(02-03-2024, 06:03 PM)J349 Wrote: [Image: IMG-3736.jpg]

[Image: IMG-3737.jpg]

shaveSymptomatic, Trey and Laborking like this post
Пане, ще раз велике спасибі  !

Tester28 likes this post

Living on the edge
Добро пожаловать!

Trey likes this post
cannot wait

BJP likes this post

Chester County, PA
(This post was last modified: 02-07-2024, 02:18 PM by dtownvino.)
To fill in a few blanks because Andy will eventually get to writing us an email.  

The razors will be late.  So far he only received a few zero series and they are out for polishing.  These are not meant to be sold, zero series is pre production but ultimately the same quality as production.  As far as I can tell YPM was probably a few weeks behind in delivering the zero series.  

Two production runs were promptly approved by Andy and YPM is producing about half shortly. The other half shouldn’t take too long, but keep in mind YPM announced the release a Ti razor after the Dback and it will “ship” the same week as Paradigm so we can guess what happened here.  You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time.  

My personal Ti 921 was months late and I was one of the first orders. It happens it’s a small, quality shop and Jake has a young family too.

Finally some of us will get razors first by the split production run and by the time it takes Andy to do what it takes to ship this many razors.  Be patient, they are coming and soon, but not next week. 

I’m sure he will get to an email to all of us soon, but he is a personal friend and we talk regularly.  He didn’t ask or authorize me to say this, I just feel as someone who truly enjoys his razors and spends more time on the site than he ever will it helps if all of us in the “can’t wait” boat readjust our timeframe by a few weeks to a month from here.  

They are coming, please be patient we got a great deal on the pre buy razor.

Einar, Dave in KY, rocket and 3 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 02-07-2024, 01:26 PM by DSR.)
(02-07-2024, 01:15 PM)dtownvino Wrote: To fill in a few blanks because Andy will eventually get to writing us an email.  

The razors will be late.  So far he only received a few zero series and they are out for polishing.  These are not meant to be sold, zero series is pre production but ultimately the same quality as production.  As far as I can tell YPM was probably a few weeks behind in delivering the zero series.  

Two production runs were promptly approved by Andy and YPM is producing about half shortly. The other half shouldn’t take too long, but keep in mind YPM announced the release a Ti razor the same week as Paradigm so you can guess what happened here.  You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time.  

Finally some of us will get razors first by the split production run and by the time it takes Andy to do what it takes to ship this many razors.  Be patient, they are coming and soon, but not next week. 

I’m sure he will get to an email to all of us soon, but he is a personal friend and we talk regularly.  He didn’t ask or authorize me to say this, I just feel as someone who truly enjoys his razors and spends more time on the site than he ever will it helps if all of us in the “can’t wait” boat readjust are timeframe by a few weeks to a month from here.  

They are coming, please be patient we got a great deal on the pre buy razor.

I was expecting a few weeks delay after watching YPM’s latest video blog, where he talks again about Paradigm DB Ti.


And it’s an interesting view on the challenges of a small business/ “artisan” vs the expectations of some less patient customers…

dtownvino and AQU like this post

I don't really care how late I get mine. I'd rather than nothing is rushed, and the razor comes out perfect.

Dave in KY, Marhos24, HOLYZEUS and 1 others like this post
Jake and YPM have accomplished quite a bit over the years. But I think this classic meme often applies when you are a small business founder / owner trying to maintain or scale a company. I patiently await the release and understand these type of production challenges occur.

[Image: taMlAWx.jpg]

dtownvino, AQU and Dave in KY like this post

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