
Las Vegas
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2024, 04:58 AM by SinCityAg. Edited 1 time in total.)
My second shave with the Ti Diamondback was outstanding!!  

Although the results were similar to the first shave, it was more enjoyable due to having a better understanding regarding how the razor and blade were actually working.  I continued with my plan of going slow and concentrating on technique.  I, however, was not concerned about feeling the blade more than my other razors.  I recognized that the cutting sensation was the razor and blade properly and effectively working and not cutting into my skin.  By continuing to apply as little pressure as possible, I again had no irritation or weepers.  

The shave was efficient and will allow me to shave every other day.  For this shave, I added an extra clean up pass on my neck.  That is usually the tricky part for me, but I had no issues or rashes.  I even used an alum bar on my neck to see if it would cause any stinging.  There was none.  

Mike recommended that I try a slightly steeper angle and ride the safety bar a little more.  I will be using that technique as much as possible for my next shave.  

I am really enjoying the razor so far and I appreciate being given this opportunity. 


[Image: MEkxHxZ.jpeg]

Dave in KY, cigarman, Laborking and 7 others like this post

Las Vegas
I used the method recommended by Mike for my third shave.  Specifically, I used a steeper angle and rode the safety bar.  To me, this technique added additional smoothness.  I was also a bit surprised that it also seemed to improve the efficiency of the razor.  I needed very little clean up to produce the closest shave of my three shaves with the razor.

For anybody looking to lessen the blade feel a bit, I recommend trying Mike's suggestion about using a slightly steeper angle.  This was definitely the best of my three shaves.  The razor simply felt a tad smoother, but that little extra was very nice overall.  

After revisiting the posts on this thread, I am planning to try a Nacet next.  That seems to be the consensus recommended blade.

swellcat, Stickshift, Dragonsbeard and 6 others like this post

Las Vegas
My week with the razor has ended.  I will clean and sanitize it tonight and then mail it to Lesser  tomorrow morning.  

I was, however, to complete a fourth shave this morning.  I again used the a steeper angle but with a Nacet this time.  The Nacet was noticeable a bit sharper but, in my opinion, was still very smooth.  I am no razor expert--far from it--but my thought is that riding the bar a little more played a large role in the smoothness of the shave. Regardless, I had no weepers or irritation at all, despite not always maintain the best technique. The shave was also very close, and I am extremely happy with the results.   

I did, however, experience my first slight negative with a shave using the razor.  The sample soap I used today was extremely slick, and the razor became a bit slippery.  It does not have aggressive knurling on the handle.  I, therefore, gripped the razor fairly tight to ensure it did not move or slip in my hand.  Although it did not affect the shave, my hand actually got a bit fatigued.  I, however, do not fault the razor.  It was more due to my slow technique, getting some soap on my hand, and gripping too tight.

FINAL THOUGHTS:  I really appreciate dtownvino  giving me the opportunity to try the razor.  Due to using only mild razors in the past, I was not sure how I would like something slightly more aggressive or even if I was ready to try such a razor.  This pass around has given my confidence that my technique has improved and that I can use a more efficient razor like the Diamondback Ti.    

Although I definitely had more blade feel than my normal razors, I would not describe this razor as very or overly aggressive.  It became more efficient and smooth with each shave, and I am sure spending a little more time with it would make it even a better shave for me.  I am probably a few shaves away with the razor before trying a full three pass BBS shave.  But, that is just where I am at in wet shaving.  For those more advanced, I am positive that you will easily achieve an extremely efficient shave with the razor.             

The biggest selling point of the razor to me was the construction and material used.  I simply love the look and feel of the titanium.  It had a natural softness and glided effortlessly on the skin.  Paradigm Shaveware did an outstanding job designing and fabricating the razor.  WELL DONE!!  I own nothing comparable to the quality and feel of this razor and would purchase it based on those factors even if I had found that I needed a little more time before using a more efficient razor.  This is a keeper to me and something I would want to own.   

I would also not hesitate to recommend it, especially to somebody looking for a titanium razor.  Those who purchased the razor at the presale price got a fantastic deal.  Congratulations and I thank everybody who took the time to read my reviews!  

I now look forward to Lesser  thoughts....

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