
New York City
SOCALS1KRR Glad you like the razor! Happy shaving!

keto likes this post
(This post was last modified: 04-25-2020, 02:58 PM by Dragonsbeard.)
Well another Shave Off comparison using the Paradigm Diamondback vs the WR2 Ti DC and this time I used the 1.35 SB side.

Ok so this is where the train stops at the station as far as efficiency goes. Some of you may recall when I used the 1.25 OC side of the WR2 I felt like the Paradigm was a little more efficient and noticeably smoother especially going ATG. So this is how this one went in a nutshell. In efficiency to me and my face on a 2 pass WTG & ATG shave it was a tie ballgame. All areas were BBS right after the Shave and as the hair grew out over the next 12 hrs they grew out like I used only one razor that's how close it was as far as beard reduction goes. As far as maneuverability goes I'd have to give the WR2 the slight edge being made out of Titanium but both razors were very good in that area. The Paradigm again was smoother as far as face feel and especially on the ATG pass where blade feel almost disappears the WR2 had more throughout the shave but on the WTG pass it also had less but more than the Paradigm. Both razors are smooth just a different kind of smooth. The more I use the DB the more I like it and for the price of entry to me it is one of the bargains in the mid high end price range. I feel no need to go to my WR2 Ti DC 1.45/1.55 to test the DB for efficiency as I think the 1.35 SB is an even match up for me. I do however want to put it up against another Wolfman razor in my den the WR1 SS .94 DC since not only are they both SS but based on the match up I did using the Paradigm Ti 1 vs the WR1 SS DC .94 I'm thinking that the WR1 would be the efficiency winner in that match up. Hey every razor has its limits in efficiency/aggressiveness/effectiveness In my opinion. I mean with all these Hyper efficient razors coming out and the ones that have been out there like the Ikon Tech there's always going to be one that takes it up a notch or two but for many it's all about the entire shave experience and how much or how little they have to pay attention or focus while shaving with a razor. Sure I love a challenge as far as shaving with the most aggressive razor out there as I believe it helps from getting lazy with technique but in general I like a smooth comfortable shave and I'll say both of these razors provided that! BTW Feather blades were used in this Shave Comparison in case anyone is wondering. 

BTW if anyone who doesn't like a lot of Bay rums because of Clove which is me this one from PAA doesn't use it and it's the only one I've tried that I like. 

[Image: nnng39b.jpg]

AJSharp, CK89, Shavemd and 12 others like this post
(04-25-2020, 02:57 PM)Dragonsbeard Wrote: Well another Shave Off comparison using the Paradigm Diamondback vs the WR2 Ti DC and this time I used the 1.35 SB side.

Ok so this is where the train stops at the station as far as efficiency goes. Some of you may recall when I used the 1.25 OC side of the WR2 I felt like the Paradigm was a little more efficient and noticeably smoother especially going ATG. So this is how this one went in a nutshell. In efficiency to me and my face on a 2 pass WTG & ATG shave it was a tie ballgame. All areas were BBS right after the Shave and as the hair grew out over the next 12 hrs they grew out like I used only one razor that's how close it was as far as beard reduction goes. As far as maneuverability goes I'd have to give the WR2 the slight edge being made out of Titanium but both razors were very good in that area. The Paradigm again was smoother as far as face feel and especially on the ATG pass where blade feel almost disappears the WR2 had more throughout the shave but on the WTG pass it also had less but more than the Paradigm. Both razors are smooth just a different kind of smooth. The more I use the DB the more I like it and for the price of entry to me it is one of the bargains in the mid high end price range. I feel no need to go to my WR2 Ti DC 1.45/1.55 to test the DB for efficiency as I think the 1.35 SB is an even match up for me. I do however want to put it up against another Wolfman razor in my den the WR1 SS .94 DC since not only are they both SS but based on the match up I did using the Paradigm Ti 1 vs the WR1 SS DC .94 I'm thinking that the WR1 would be the efficiency winner in that match up. Hey every razor has its limits in efficiency/aggressiveness/effectiveness In my opinion. I mean with all these Hyper efficient razors coming out and the ones that have been out there like the Ikon Tech there's always going to be one that takes it up a notch or two but for many it's all about the entire shave experience and how much or how little they have to pay attention or focus while shaving with a razor. Sure I love a challenge as far as shaving with the most aggressive razor out there as I believe it helps from getting lazy with technique but in general I like a smooth comfortable shave and I'll say both of these razors provided that! BTW Feather blades were used in this Shave Comparison in case anyone is wondering. 

BTW if anyone who doesn't like a lot of Bay rums because of Clove which is me this one from PAA doesn't use it and it's the only one I've tried that I like. 

[Image: nnng39b.jpg]

It’s funny, I was thinking my DB gave shaves like the CG level 3, but much smoother. I’ve seen lots of comparisons between the CG level 3 and the 1.35 so this all makes sense.

And the smell of the atomic age bay rum is awesome. The shampoo bar and soap are great; I don’t have the shave soap, but the B&M bay rum avoids clove as well and is quite good!

Deus Vult, CK89, Dragonsbeard and 1 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 04-25-2020, 06:56 PM by AJSharp.)
AQU Sounds about right with similar efficiencies between WR2 135, CG3 and DB but this 2020 Diamondback's "phantom blade" feel makes it one smooth operator. It's amazing that Andy (Paradigm) has figured how to make smooth yet very efficient razors across multiple metals (Titanium, 17-4 steel and 303 steel).

Dragonsbeard Your photos are sharp and getting better

The Chief, Paradigm Shaveware, CK89 and 3 others like this post

Surrey, UK
My Diamondback finally arrived, here in the UK, this morning. I deliberately didn't shave first thing in anticipation of its arrival.
And, what a beauty is it. The finish on mine is polished to perfection. Even the underside of the top cap is exemplary.
First use was with a Feather blade and the minimal amount of blade feel, coupled to such efficiency, is hard to comprehend. It shouldn't be happening. What also impresses is the degree of smoothness. I also own the SE, but I do believe the smoothness with which the Diamondback operates even exceeds that impressive razor.
Totally happy with my purchase. Hats off to Andy for yet another fine razor.

Dragonsbeard, The Chief, Shavemd and 7 others like this post

Northern NJ
I’ve enjoyed the DB so far but I’m not at the point where I can say it’s as efficient as my 1.25SB. I’d give it 1.15 efficiency at best right now. Totally different head configurations though so not an apples to apples comparison.

zaclikestoshave and Vpetrishky like this post

(This post was last modified: 04-25-2020, 09:17 PM by Elvis Outlander.)
I was comparing my five favorite DE's side by side over the past weeks. All feel of roughly similar aggression to me, but to most people, the ones with more blade flex feel far milder--I think I am just very sensitive to blade flex. Previously, I thought I disliked blade flex due to the sensitivity, but I am staring to appreciate it if well controlled.

Going from most flex to most rigid among my five favorites (interestingly enough, I think this is also from least exposure to most while having about the same level of blade feel on my face . . . . . but with the blade feeling very different):

RS-10Aggressive -> Weber DLC -> Rocnel Elite Aggressive -> Diamondback -> iKon Standard

I liken the results to a car's suspension: The RS-10 is a little on the loose side, but I think has little enough exposure that it doesn't chatter or feel harsh--I think I feel the float or hum of the blade more than the roughness of my stubble. It is kind of like a car with weak shocks that floats, and has a super super smooth ride if big bumps are avoided. Very little blade exposure, if any, keeps me from hitting "big bumps" or making it to where the float irritates. The iKon Standard (and I would guess other high-end rigidly clamped blade razors would be similar) feels very stiff and the texture of my stubble is "felt" during my shave rather than the float or hum of the razor--it is so stiff there is no float or hum to the razor and no chance of the car bottoming out or bucking even if a big dip in the road is hit. Stiff is safe.

The Diamondback is the "critically damped" suspension in the analogy. It is the super smooth Lexus and I think this is what people are feeling with the "phantom blade". The blade is there and exposed, but it isn't so stiff you feel the stubble through the blade. It isn't so loose it oscillates. It and the Rocnel are becoming my preferred location in this spectrum. . . . .but keep in mind, we are talking about my five favorite DE's. What I also like about these two is that they provide efficiency with blade exposure instead of Gap, and I don't feel like I have a chance of getting nicked. I guess give me exposure if the suspension is tuned.

I think that what gives this feel to everyone is different though. My oldest son with fine hair really prefers the RS-10A and Weber. My youngest son with coarser hair than me and Acne won't even pick up anything that isn't perfectly safe and rigid. I am starting to find out what I like though, and Diamondback is right there.

I am liking the DB and looking forward to the Javelin. I am hoping the Javelin should have the same amount of blade flex or amount of Damping in a razor (the same type of suspension) even it is different from what I understand.

I think on my face, the Diamondback is critically damped, with the razors to the left up above being more underdamped, and the rigid razors being more overdamped in the diagram below. . . . . but that is on my face and in reference to my favorite razors (none of them are bad). I am preferring the characteristics of the DB or Rocnel the most though. The Rocnel feels more like the One-half of critical damping.

One of the things I do in my job is tune automation loops on control systems. I may be reading my work unfairly into the razors (seeing what I expect to see even if it isn't there), but as I went through these five razors side by side over the past weeks, they felt like control loops with different tuning. Ranges from the critical damped loop to what I would guess is one-quarter critical damping is what I shoot for depending on situation.

[Image: pj1pMew.jpg]

Southsider, GroomingDept, Dragonsbeard and 12 others like this post
(04-25-2020, 12:55 AM)Paradigm Shaveware Wrote: SOCALS1KRR Glad you like the razor! Happy shaving!
Thanks brother!

shaveSymptomatic likes this post

Santa Rosa - CA
(This post was last modified: 04-26-2020, 12:40 AM by GroomingDept.)
Nice to see you here Elvis Outlander! Welcome Smile

shaveSymptomatic likes this post

Thanks Mohammad.

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