(This post was last modified: 12-20-2015, 02:59 AM by darkbulb.)
Ok, so unboxing threads and videos are super-geeky..but,well, that hasn't stopped me before so here is one of the OneBlade razor I just received

I took advantage of last week's offer to get the razor and 30 blades for about $190 shipped.
Normally, this is a $300 razor so I must admit the expectations were pretty high on what I would be receiving.
Inside the box from FedEx were three pieces. One postcard with some general information welcoming you to OneBlade, a box with the 30 Feather razor blades - and a very neatly wrapped box containing the razor. The unique serial number of the razor is hand-written on the paper and it's all tied together with a piece of string and metal medallion sporting the OneBlade logo.
Inside the box w/ the razor blades:
[Image: 2yuxahe.jpg]
String with the metal medallion holding the package together:
[Image: 211vz8m.jpg]
Further unwrapping reveals a very nice leather box. I am not an expert as far as leather goes but this looked and felt very impressive. Nice stitching and leather grain.
[Image: 2vctk4h.jpg]
Opening up the leather box revealed some more instructional pieces of paper about loading/unloading the blade, etc - all done extremely tastefully with nice printing on good paper stock.
Digging a bit further....we finally strike gold steel!
[Image: b6zuyu.jpg]
So before I proceed.
Does one need all - or any - of the above?
Fancy paper, luxurious leather boxes, metal medallions, etc.
No of course not. It will obviously not matter two months from now - or two days even - when you pick up the razor to shave one morning. Most of it will probably even be misplaced/lost and what truly matters is how the razor feels against your face that morning. BUT - what it does give you is an experience and an impression. I had great fun unboxing this razor and go through all the eye candy and the extreme attention to details that has been applied here. It is hand down the most impressive packaging I've ever seen as far as any shaving equipment goes. Did I need it? No. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely.
Anyroad....back to the razor....
There it finally was in all it's stainless steel glory:
[Image: 2wf7c44.jpg]
First impressions picking it up and razturbating a bit:
- Nice weight and incredibly solid feeling,
- Any moving piece like the pivoting head moves silky smooth,
- An absolute fingerprint magnet
[Image: fwnkeb.jpg]
[Image: n6hky.jpg]
The stand is also surprisingly heavy - it honestly feels like a solid piece of steel when picking it up.
[Image: 2r797o1.jpg]
Next up is to actually shave with this thing...
It's a weekend and my religion laziness doesn't allow me to shave on the weekends so it will have to wait until next week when it will compete with the Shavette from IBC for lather-time.
In short recap: Best un-boxing experience ever that really sets you up with quite some expectation on performance. In lack of better words there was an air of decadence so thick you could cut it with whatever jewel encrusted knife that happened to be closest.