(04-15-2021, 06:29 PM)andrewjs18 Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 07:58 AM)Blackland Razors Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 07:52 AM)andrewjs18 Wrote: You made a claim about your product.  Are we not allowed to question said claim?

Kudos on 3d printing in metal - I'm aware of the technology, I produce products in the 3d printing sphere as well (not shaving).

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Are you guys using DMLS or SLM? Those are the standards and probably what you’re thinking of. The tech we’re using has never been used on parts remotely near this size until now. Far better ability to scale, better metal densities, better yield, and far far better pricing. It’s truly a game changer and is built to be cost competitive with MIM while meeting the capabilities of CNC.

Additional CNC machine is also used to ensure accuracy and flatness of specific surfaces related to blade geometry.
(04-15-2021, 02:23 PM)mrdoug Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 07:35 AM)andrewjs18 Wrote: Blackland Razors, how much are you betting on "impossible to clog"? 6 pack on you if I clog it? I drink expensive German wheats, by the way!

I'm not sure anything could be clog 'proof', and I definitely wouldn't blame a razor, unless it is excessive sensitive / prone. It sounds like he did take care to look for anything that would bottle-neck and cause clogging? Speaking of bottle...

Maybe for an opening release special, we can get a 6-pack of German Weisse with every purchase? Lol! I love me some traditional wheat ales too, though I don't buy the most expensive (I gravitate towards Hacker-Pschorr Weisse or Paulaner).

Good tastes andrewjs18 !

that's kind of the point I was trying to make.

my go to is Ayinger Brauweisse - best wheat beer ever made, IMHO. Big Grin
I sure like my Erdingers

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It's impossible to print metal.

Blackland Razors likes this post

San Diego CA
(04-15-2021, 07:46 PM)Cino Wrote: It's impossible to print metal.

Oh no! I really wish somebody would have told me that.

MrChewbacca, Nero, HOLYZEUS and 7 others like this post

Santa Rosa - CA
(This post was last modified: 04-15-2021, 07:52 PM by GroomingDept.)
Blackland Razors Congrats on the razor launch. I'm sure it's going to be awesome.

Interestingly, Andy and I talked to the same company and were getting quotes for the Opus one head to be made by them using 17-4PH and the same process you're using for the Era.

Derhey likes this post

San Diego CA
(04-15-2021, 07:50 PM)GroomingDept Wrote: Blackland Razors Congrats on the razor launch. I'm sure it's going to be awesome.

Interestingly, Andy and I talked to the same company and were getting quotes for the Opus one head to be made them using 17-4PH and the same process you're using for the Era.

Oh you mean when I personally told you about it well over a year ago after I'd already been working on it for six months? I know for a fact that we were the first razor to ever come across their desk and this was well before you and Andy teamed up on Apogee. Congrats on the quote, I guess. I think 3DEO will be happy with who they've gotten into bed with and I'm happy that we've negotiated exclusivity so nobody else will be able to follow our path.

Derhey, BVsaPike, OptoCritic and 5 others like this post

Santa Rosa - CA
(04-15-2021, 07:56 PM)Blackland Razors Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 07:50 PM)GroomingDept Wrote: Blackland Razors Congrats on the razor launch. I'm sure it's going to be awesome.

Interestingly, Andy and I talked to the same company and were getting quotes for the Opus one head to be made them using 17-4PH and the same process you're using for the Era.

Oh you mean when I personally told you about it well over a year ago after I'd already been working on it for six months? I know for a fact that we were the first razor to ever come across their desk and this was well before you and Andy teamed up on Apogee. Congrats on the quote, I guess. I think 3DEO will be happy with who they've gotten into bed with and I'm happy that we've negotiated exclusivity so nobody else will be able to follow our path.

Yes, you told me that you're getting a 3D razor design made. That's why I was intrigued, I did my own research and arrived at this company on my own Smile

3D Metal printing is the future of DE razors. Technology is moving very fast. Other companies and other 3d metal fabrication processes are catching up with 3deo, very quickly. I have seen some amazing outputs from machines coming out in a year or two.

Derhey likes this post

San Diego CA
(This post was last modified: 04-15-2021, 08:06 PM by Blackland Razors.)
(04-15-2021, 08:02 PM)GroomingDept Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 07:56 PM)Blackland Razors Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 07:50 PM)GroomingDept Wrote: Blackland Razors Congrats on the razor launch. I'm sure it's going to be awesome.

Interestingly, Andy and I talked to the same company and were getting quotes for the Opus one head to be made them using 17-4PH and the same process you're using for the Era.

Oh you mean when I personally told you about it well over a year ago after I'd already been working on it for six months? I know for a fact that we were the first razor to ever come across their desk and this was well before you and Andy teamed up on Apogee. Congrats on the quote, I guess. I think 3DEO will be happy with who they've gotten into bed with and I'm happy that we've negotiated exclusivity so nobody else will be able to follow our path.

Yes, you told me that you're getting a 3D razor design made. That's why I was intrigued, I did my own research and arrived at this company on my own Smile

3D Metal printing is the future of DE razors. Technology is moving very fast. Other companies and other 3d metal fabrication processes are catching up with 3deo, very quickly. I have seen some amazing outputs from machines coming out in a year or two.

Ah that's so cool to hear that while you were supposed to be making soap for us, you instead were stealing my ideas that I texted you privately as a friend after I specifically asked you keep it secret so that you could undercut me and partner with another razor maker. Love it.

hightechtech, reguyw_nothingtolose, wyze0ne and 6 others like this post

(04-15-2021, 07:38 PM)Blackland Razors Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 07:24 PM)CK89 Wrote: I cannot find any example of small 3D metal printed pieces. 
Really looking forward to precision of the new safety razor. 

It's really critical that we clarify that the Era is not made in the way that any of those parts above are made. The kind of 3D printing we're doing here is like nothing available through providers like Shapeways or anywhere else in the world. 3DEO is the one place on earth to get parts made like this because its their novel and proprietary technology. And since I have exclusivity, Blackland is also the only shaving company in the world that can make parts like this. Normal metal printing like the examples above use a process where a laser basically fuses metal powder at each layer. So they lay down some metal powder, fuse the slice of the part and then build another layer on top. This is an acceptable way of 3D printing, but you can't hold tight tolerances or even very good dimensional accuracy at all. On top of those downsides it's expensive, not very scalable, and has worse mechanical properties because many of those stainless prints also have bronze added. All bad things for us.

The Era is made with a different approach that's basically a blend between MIM, CNC, and printing. Calling it 3D printing is a bit like calling space flight flying. Yea it's technically true, but it's a gross oversimplification that obfuscates the complexity of what's going on here simply because we don't have better terminology to describe it.

The way this process works is we lay down a layer of metal powder in the build volume, spray it with a binding agent that keeps it firm (like adding water to sand for a sandcastle), and then CNC endmills come down and machine the outline of the part. Since the layer isn't sintered, it's really easy and quick to machine. Kind of like cutting through wood. This gets repeated a ton of times until we've made our part in the build volume. Then the layers of bound metal are removed. This is called the cake since the entire build volume is firm due to the binding agent. The parts are broken out of the cake and then they are sintered (heated in a super-hot furnace). This causes the binding agent to drop out and the metal powder fuses together creating solid metal with about 99% the density of billet steel. We then do some post machining on shave-critical surfaces to ensure perfect performance. So in a lot of ways these parts are more similar to MIM (like the Rockwell 6S) than other 3D printed parts. With MIM you create the shape in a mold and then sinter it. Here, we're creating the shape layer by layer with printing and then sintering.

I cover this in finer detail on the Lather Talk podcast so go watch/listen to that for a deep dive.

Shane, it looks pretty cool. Really looking forward to get one of them. 
Love you follow tech and bring new products to the market. 
Good luck Smile

Blackland Razors, AQU, Derhey and 1 others like this post

Philadelphia, PA
(04-15-2021, 08:04 PM)Blackland Razors Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 08:02 PM)GroomingDept Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 07:56 PM)Blackland Razors Wrote: Oh you mean when I personally told you about it well over a year ago after I'd already been working on it for six months? I know for a fact that we were the first razor to ever come across their desk and this was well before you and Andy teamed up on Apogee. Congrats on the quote, I guess. I think 3DEO will be happy with who they've gotten into bed with and I'm happy that we've negotiated exclusivity so nobody else will be able to follow our path.

Yes, you told me that you're getting a 3D razor design made. That's why I was intrigued, I did my own research and arrived at this company on my own Smile

3D Metal printing is the future of DE razors. Technology is moving very fast. Other companies and other 3d metal fabrication processes are catching up with 3deo, very quickly. I have seen some amazing outputs from machines coming out in a year or two.

Ah that's so cool to hear that while you were supposed to be making soap for us, you instead were stealing my ideas that I texted you privately as a friend after I specifically asked you keep it secret so that you could undercut me and partner with another razor maker. Love it.

alright gents, I think you 2 can handle this stuff in PMs....or I'll lock the thread if you prefer?

ischiapp, AQU, kooshman7 and 3 others like this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

San Diego CA
(04-15-2021, 08:12 PM)andrewjs18 Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 08:04 PM)Blackland Razors Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 08:02 PM)GroomingDept Wrote: Yes, you told me that you're getting a 3D razor design made. That's why I was intrigued, I did my own research and arrived at this company on my own Smile

3D Metal printing is the future of DE razors. Technology is moving very fast. Other companies and other 3d metal fabrication processes are catching up with 3deo, very quickly. I have seen some amazing outputs from machines coming out in a year or two.

Ah that's so cool to hear that while you were supposed to be making soap for us, you instead were stealing my ideas that I texted you privately as a friend after I specifically asked you keep it secret so that you could undercut me and partner with another razor maker. Love it.

alright gents, I think you 2 can handle this stuff in PMs....or I'll lock the thread if you prefer?

I’m good. Problem solved. Back to the Era!!!

OptoCritic, AQU, Patriot and 3 others like this post

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