(06-06-2021, 04:19 AM)kingfisher Wrote: ...People these days don’t have long memories and they don’t have any semblance of patience.

Any worry is all for naught as within a few weeks after this razor is released the "gang" will be onto the next latest & greatest artisan razor and the BST here will flourish. It never changes.

Forged and Mtt02263 like this post
(06-06-2021, 04:19 AM)kingfisher Wrote: When it was revealed that the Era would be entirely different, and the mechanism of its production, etc., I remember asking how long it would be between that announcement and the release of the razor. I’m no expert in marketing or in sales, but it seemed to me that if that time ended up being longer than about two weeks it would mean that the announcement was made too soon. I stand by that opinion, and I think the plethora of posts in this thread of people “waiting” in various ways just underscores the point.

Don’t get me wrong; I think this razor is still going to be a huge success and that Shane is going to sell boatloads of them, and I hope he does. But I really think Blackland missed the boat when it comes to understanding human nature. Don’t make the announcement until you are about ready to deliver the product. People these days don’t have long memories and they don’t have any semblance of patience.

Nah some people are acting entitled, please don’t make excuses for them, I think it only encourages the behavior. It’s a trend on this site now Karve, Menlo, and now Blackland are getting it. Some deserve it, some not but it’s just a razor for shaving, not life saving medicine and if you haven’t paid for the razor yet, I just don’t see the point. There also a pandemic that is affecting a lot of stuff for example the price of raw materials and shipping times.

zaclikestoshave, Whisker_whacker and LOOT like this post
I think it's great that Shane is coming out with this innovative razor soon. He is in the process of mass producing it to meet market demand during this time of uncertainty. The man miscalculated with the time line but so what, who doesn't make mistakes? The razor will be released. Gentlemen please have patience, I'm sure that it will be rewarding and worth the wait once we get our hands on it.

MaineYooper likes this post
I think some people are reading way too much into things. A few funny waiting GIFs doesn’t mean we have our knickers in a knot because a deadline was missed.

Let the kids have their fun.

BPman, ExtraProtein, Dave in KY and 7 others like this post
Into the razor but out of this thread.

Dave in KY, ExtraProtein, LOOT and 1 others like this post

San Diego CA
(This post was last modified: 06-06-2021, 06:18 PM by Blackland Razors.)
(06-06-2021, 04:19 AM)kingfisher Wrote: I really think Blackland missed the boat when it comes to understanding human nature.  Don’t make the announcement until you are about ready to deliver the product.  People these days don’t have long memories and they don’t have any semblance of patience.

I have a few thoughts about this. As you may have guessed, I don't do very many things without consideration first.
  • First, as you said, I don't think it actually matters; people will buy the razor either way if it's good.
  • I'm personally really excited about it and I want to share what I've been working on for so long with our fans and customers.
  • The extra time since announcing the product has been quantifiably helpful in drumming up support. Social media following, website traffic, newsletter sign-ups, etc are all way up and continuing to increase since the Era announcement. It's important to remember that selling a single product isn't the only goal. Getting people into the Blackland ecosystem is at least as important as selling the product itself and this announcement window has been tremendously successful in that regard.
  • I disagree with the entire premise that two weeks is the right window. People love to follow along with new products and long announcement windows provide more time for them to do so. Also, keeping people waiting in line is a time-honored way to make more people wait in line. That is, all of the posts in here about people waiting serve as great advertisement to others that the Era is worth waiting for.
  • If the wait is too long, just don't pay attention until it's released. Nobody has to click on this thread or open email newsletters. If you just want to buy the product then wait until it's fully stocked. The fact that people continue to click on these things and engage with them is the proof that it's useful. Those who want to follow along for weeks can do so while those who don't want to don't have to.

HighSpeed, muzichead, Razorman and 10 others like this post
(06-06-2021, 05:58 PM)Blackland Razors Wrote: Also, keeping people waiting in line is a time-honored way to make more people wait in line. 

Especially when dealing with addicts. Nothing like rolling through the razorhood on a Monday, telling the junkies he’ll deliver the score on Friday, then not showing up until the following week. 

God Damn the Pusherman. 


BPman, Patriot and Razorman like this post

New York
(06-06-2021, 06:21 PM)Forged Wrote:
(06-06-2021, 05:58 PM)Blackland Razors Wrote: Also, keeping people waiting in line is a time-honored way to make more people wait in line. 

Especially when dealing with addicts. Nothing like rolling through the razorhood on a Monday, telling the junkies he’ll deliver the score on Friday, then not showing up until the following week. 

God Damn the Pusherman. 

Lol, so true. We do love to follow the newest next thing. Always.

Still, Blackland isn't some new fly by night company. Tried and true, they've sold top quality goods for years. That should give some faith in knowing that the Era is something worth being excited about.

Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk

ExtraProtein, MaineYooper, AQU and 1 others like this post

Soap Sniffers Anonymous
I was super excited for the ERA, but now that I’ve had a few shaves with the Ti Blackbird I don’t know if I need anything else, who am I kidding, I will buy one and probably all 10 baseplates. It’s an addicti….hobby, we have meetings Wednesday nights and smell soap

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Razorman, Blackland Razors, ExtraProtein and 5 others like this post

San Diego CA
(06-10-2021, 02:20 AM)Senate515 Wrote: I was super excited for the ERA, but now that I’ve had a few shaves with the Ti Blackbird I don’t know if I need anything else, who am I kidding, I will buy one and probably all 10 baseplates. It’s an addicti….hobby, we have meetings Wednesday nights and smell soap

Lol. Tell me where these meetings are and I’ll set up a booth outside.

Matsilainen, ALI, MaineYooper and 7 others like this post

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