If someone has very little/limited knowledge about shaving tips and can only suspect/assume/guess that theyre facial hair is tough like copper when doing a second pass shaving against the grain, then how might they stumble upon the following shaving tip a long time ago like in 1999, "shave while in the shower and let shavegel sit for 3 minutes before shaving", how might they run into this tip like 22 years ago online?

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New York
(09-03-2021, 03:11 PM)robertwisden Wrote: If someone has very little/limited knowledge about shaving tips and can only suspect/assume/guess that theyre facial hair is tough like copper when doing a second pass shaving against the grain, then how might they stumble upon the following shaving tip a long time ago like in 1999, "shave while in the shower and let shavegel sit for 3 minutes before shaving", how might they run into this tip like 22 years ago online?
I'm not following your questions exactly. I'm only a few years into this 'hobby', so I'm still relatively new compared to many others out there.

I think one would generally know what hair type they have. Sure, you don't go touching other people hair in comparison... But I can still unequivocally say mine is definitely copper wire hair (even down to the deep auburn red coloring, lol).

Regarding finding a tip from the 90s... Well that tough. We're talking early(ier) days of the internet. Still, Google is a powerful tool. Additionally, I'm sure tips like that have been repeated in articles and on forums ad nauseum. It should be fairly easy to find.

Still, I personally feel the gold standard is to join forums like DFS. You're going to have the biggest concentration of "experts"; you'll also build a friendship with them and know you can trust what they tell you (unlike a generic news article).

To hit on the topic of the thread, knowledge is power... I agree. I gain more and more "power" each day, by chatting here with others about shaving, as well practicing every (other) day.

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(This post was last modified: 09-03-2021, 04:21 PM by robertwisden.)
Well i found out about shaving while in the shower because this old guy told me about it.  The 3 minute rule of leaving shave gel on for this much before actually shaving came to me until 2006 approximately when i was on schick.com and saw it years later on bicworld.com, but back in 2000 when i went to gillette, schick, and bic websites none of these specific tips came up!  I found a website saying to shave while in the shower and leave gel on for 3 minutes before shaving but dated december of 2012!  Would it have been there any possibility whatsoever to find the specific shaving tip that i mentioned in quotations but back in 99/00 online anywhere and if so, where?  Would it be sheer luck or maybe coincidence to find such a tip on google or shaving forums this far back? If you say it wouldve been easy to find but how if the person looking for such tip would only have knowledge that theyre facial hair is tough like copper on their second pass atg and that they decided to shave after taking a shower and not while in the shower?

New York
(This post was last modified: 09-03-2021, 04:31 PM by mrdoug.)
I can't really speak to Google's algorithms. Also, I'm pretty sure there are tags that are used to flag an article or website to populate based on a search term. I don't know if the content, itself, also weighs into that.

I know we have some more tech friendly folks here (andrewjs18 )... How close am I? Lol.

Nonetheless, the internet has come a long way since the late 90s. You'd probably have a better chance finding it if it were published in the 2010-2020s.

Edit: If you're just wondering how lucky you were to find the article, I agree... When I'm searching for something, I don't typically run into results from the '90s unless it's really that old of a topic (search about an event that took place in 1999, for example).

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So then how was someone supposed to find specific tip online like almost 22 years ago then if they really didnt have much of a clue as to why they were experiencing such irritation when shaving atg then?

Just Here for the Shaves
Williamsburg, KY
[Image: aDmL5DO.jpg]

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This post by Dave in KY mentions views and opinions expressed and makes it known that they are "those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DFS or any other member, agency, organization, employer or company."  Big Grin

New York
(09-03-2021, 05:10 PM)Dave in KY Wrote: [Image: aDmL5DO.jpg]
I like the way you think Dave! [Image: giphy.gif?cid=349c9dd7ned0c09z0s479owe3z...y.gif&ct=g]

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keto, Scaramouche, MaineYooper and 1 others like this post
Put yourself in my shoes.  Its 1999/2000 and you shave after showering opposed while in the shower.  You wet your face with warm water.  You use gillette series shave gel.  As soon as you lather up you start shaving with the grain and its smooth.  You lather up again and shave atg this time.  Now youre feeling extreme irritation to the point where youre bleeding!  When you shave atg your hair is feeling like copper!  You ask yourself, what am i doing wrong?  The only thing that you do have a clue is that your hair is tough like nails when doing atg!  If you only know so that your hair tough like metal but have no other clues as to what youre doing wrong then how do you stumble upon such a tip assuming youre lucky to do so then?  How could i have known what i know today regarding the tip in quotations i posted but back then, then?  Dont tell me luck, coincidence, by chance, random, ect....  im almost certain that almost 22 years ago maybe such a tip might not have been found even on google, shaving forums, ect...  but why until now more and more often such a tip can be found online more and more than in 1999?  Why is that?  Why would that be the case?
What do you mean it were published online from 2010 and onward?  So before that slim to none chances of finding such published online tip?

New York
(09-03-2021, 07:10 PM)robertwisden Wrote: What do you mean it were published online from 2010 and onward?  So before that slim to none chances of finding such published online tip?
No, I'm just saying It would be easier to find something published in the last decade on Google search then something 20 - 30 years ago.

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