
Chicago Suburbs
Mohammad tries to do the right thing. His intentions sometimes get ahead of his execution.

I do not know the manufacturing cost of a batch of soap, but deciding to remake three batches of soap because the quality did not meet Mohammad's standards is a big deal. Mohammad might have shipped less than stellar product just to get things out on time, but those who are familiar with Grooming Dept quality would have noticed. Mohammad took a significant financial hit rather than tarnish his reputation for quality. Doing so certainly did not improve his reputation for delivery. but quality has always been the hallmark of his business model. 

Although Mallard is not the most complex Grooming Dept formula, it has 45 ingredients. To achieve a quality product, each of those ingredients has to be measured precisely and added at the right time. That is not a simple undertaking when you are not feeling well.

Certif, Darktrader and Southsider like this post

East Coast USA
I think everyone understands his intentions but don't take people's money without finished product ready to go out the door. Advertising release dates then kicking them down the road month after month. It's the same old song. I will still buy GD products but only through other vendors and not direct from Mohammad

CK89 and muzichead like this post
(This post was last modified: 11-17-2021, 03:08 PM by SRZ65LE#31.)
I’ve always known that GD is a small, artisanal, vendor.  But I learned early on that Mohammad is a dedicated, highly skilled, conscientious, generous and hard working individual, who makes soaps that are of a truly exceptional quality, are highly varied, are high performing, and are a delight to use.  For me, GD products really are a big source of enjoyment and satisfaction when wet shaving.  I’ve always been very much aware of the extraordinary benefits Mohammad brings to my WS hobby, and I’ve always known fully well that he’s not “K-mart” or “Sears.”  I’ve always known that big operations offer consistency/availability but cannot do what an artisan like Mohammad does. I’ve always known that, by giving my hard earned dollars to an individual artisan, rather than a larger vendor, I must accept the typical risks of a such a small one-person operation.  So, I plan ahead.  I don’t depend on reliable prompt deliveries or availability.  I accept that my money might be tied up for a while (so, I carefully decide how much I’m willing to put “at risk”).  I also try to not be judgmental about what the one-person vendor is capable of, since I don’t know what that person is going through.  Because, in this context,  I am not depending on what big stores provide, I can enjoy the benefits of what an artisan does without being disappointed or frustrated by the typical shortcomings of such an artisan vendor.  These are discretionary products, not household staples.  I take the time to really know what this sort of transaction is, and I structure my actions and expectations based on how things actually are, instead of how I wish they were.  I can’t control any artisan’s situation, but I can control what I expect and I can control how I react when my reality doesn’t match my expectations.  This approach works well in every area of life and is incredibly freeing.  For me, it is the result of hard-earned wisdom that took me years to acquire and internalize.  As a result, though, life is more joyful, and I am better able to empathize with others when they experience a challenging disconnect between their hopes/expectations and reality.

I am quite sure Mohammad didn’t plan or aspire to get very ill, and I am certain that he is disappointed by his inability to meet his own standards and goals.  I am also sure that the criticism and frustration that some folks have expressed about Mohammad’s inability to meet their expectations has been very hard on him.  This is a guy that cares a lot about his relationship with his customers. I’m guessing that his livelihood, and his self-image and his sense of self-worth, have taken a big hit. Because of this, i have tried to be understanding and compassionate.  I mean, we’re talking about shaving soap, not brain surgery, right?  We’re not the one who got really sick, right?

Because it is potentially terrifying to truly be aware of how fragile life is, most people don’t intentionally think about it, or cultivate any true appreciation for it.  (That it until their personal circumstances, typically grounded in life’s cruelly indifferent capriciousness, give them absolutely no other choice).  However, the suffering of others is a gift, in the form of an opportunity to meditate on what life actually is like.  So, it’s best not to reduce the sufferings of others to mere voyeurism and self-woe.

Peace and joy to all who enjoy wet shaving, and heartfelt sorrow for Mohammad’s troubles.  I wish him a full recovery, and renewed joy his life.

Polovez, CK89, RayClem and 11 others like this post
Sean, Upstate N.Y.


Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
(This post was last modified: 11-17-2021, 03:26 PM by DanLaw.)
Amazing how much empathy those expressing little for others have for selves.

Perhaps there is a finite amount of empathy available to the human soul; if one reserves the overwhelming preponderance for self, there simply none left for others, eh?

Well stated Sean. Am of same perspective.

dlyons, Razdon, TommyCarioca and 5 others like this post

Mo, I hope you have a speedy recovery.. Smile

You got this recommendation from other members before. Here I am repeating same.
You should prepare your products before posting release date.
Otherwise, postponing release and shipping date become more frustrating for you and your customers.

Polovez likes this post

Posting Freak
A one man operation has to be fraught with pitfalls and snags.

His product is so good that don't think the big soap factories provide the unique features he provides... . I hope he gets healthy and is back in the saddle soon. I am probably the most impatient type A butthead out there, but in this instance I gladly tapped the break pedal, broke out of my usual 'can't wait in line mode' and sat on my giant pile of GD pux waiting for the next batch of 'face butters' !

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

Lesser, Polovez, AQU and 2 others like this post

Posting Freak
Saint Petersburg . Russia
(11-17-2021, 05:29 PM)TommyCarioca Wrote: A one man operation has to be fraught with pitfalls and snags.

His product is so good that don't think the big soap factories provide the unique features he provides... . I hope he gets healthy and is back in the saddle soon. I am probably the most impatient type A butthead out there, but in this instance I gladly tapped the break pedal, broke out of my usual 'can't wait in line mode' and sat on my giant pile of GD pux waiting for the next batch of 'face butters' !

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
I fully support this opinion. In Russia they say: man assumes , and God disposes. Unfortunately, not everything in this life depends on us. Much, but not all.

Tommy, I'm very interested. How many cans of GD soap do you have?

Rebus Knebus, ALEXANDR D., AQU and 5 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 11-19-2021, 01:58 AM by george1906.)
I have most of the new Mallard soaps and they are absolutely stunning in performance and scents!  I have been rolling with Mohammad since his first foray into Mallard soaps and I have a huge collection. of GD soaps and over the years he keeps upping his game with his creations!  Understand that he is a one man shop and he has always had storage and shipping issues but the end results are always phenomenal in every way.  Those of us that have been rolling with Grooming Dept over the years understand that if you have patience, the reward is always absolutely worth the wait! This new batch is absolutely phenomenal and this is why I nicknamed Mo the Mad Genius and Mad Scientist in this industry a long time ago!  His soaps are just not rivaled and every time someone gets close he ups his game with some newly concocted base or revises an existing base to make it better!  Every time I get something new, I always think that there is no way it can get any better but it always does!  Those that missed out on these latest Mallards are REALLY missing out!!  The link to my SOTD post from today on IG is below.

Darktrader, AQU, SRZ65LE#31 and 6 others like this post

Chicago Suburbs
One of Mo's biggest limitations was always his lack of space to inventory supplies, manufacture product, cure soaps, and ship customer orders. He lived in a small apartment in the expensive San Francisco Bay area. Earlier this year, he was able to relocate to a larger space in Santa Clara. However, moving is both a blessing and a curse. It took time to pack up both his personal belongings and his business. Then after moving into the new space, trying to unpack and locate everything is not easy. During this time, Mohammad suffered some significant health issues. Although the Mallard release did not go smoothly, I am really amazed he was able to pull it off at all.

I did receive my two Mallard soaps on Nov. 13 about a month after placing my order. However, my wife confiscated the package and will not allow me to use the soaps until after Christmas. Thus, I have little sympathy for those of you who could not wait a week or two longer to receive your soaps.

We have gotten so used to placing orders online with Amazon and having them delivered within two days that we think everything should work that way. Those of us who lived though the Arab Oil Embargo of the 70s had to wait in line, sometimes for several hours, to purchase gas rationed to five gallons per visit. When the price of oil and gas tripled, many could not afford to heat their homes or fuel their cars. We have had it too good for too long.

Those who cancelled their Mallard orders and requested a refund may regret doing so when they see future price increases due to supply chain issues and the escalating cost of some of the ingredients used to produce the soaps. The latest inflation rate was determined to be 6.1%, which is the highest it has been in 30 years. Do not expect the prices of shaving goods to be immune from this issue.

AQU, george1906, SRZ65LE#31 and 7 others like this post
Got mine yesterday , shaved today it was worth the short wait
performance is stellar , well done Mo
Get well soon

Polovez, AQU, TommyCarioca and 1 others like this post

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