
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2020, 03:13 AM by Pottertons.)
(10-27-2020, 08:43 PM)martini Wrote: Mo, is the long waited delivery to WCS on its way?  Week after week, it's been close to 2 months and I feel uncomfortable even to ask again.  I understand your workload, label printing and other problems, but can you give us a final date for delivery.

I often wonder why delivery/release date announcements are not left until they're actually about to occur, rather than well before all the ducks are in a row. 
It would be nice to not always be left thinking 'is that shipment/drop coming' lol

Marinero, Kehole and martini like this post
I have given up on Grooming Dept. GD has a habit of over promising. I’m just tired of hearing of releases that never occur. There are just so many good products from artisans these days that are easier to obtain. Sorry Mo. I’m out.

martini, Pottertons, sanookd and 2 others like this post
Better late than never to have come to that conclusion.
(This post was last modified: 10-29-2020, 09:01 AM by TheRinger.)
To be fair Mo doesn't "over-promise" it's more of we just need to learn how to interpret his timing.

Next Week = 3 months from the first time he says that.
End of the week = Next month.
"Hopefully tomorrow" = Maybe next week.

Just remember, once you learn "Mo's time" you will understand Mo's meaning, and once you understand his "meaning" you come to expect all delays and the delays are simply that... an expectation.

Grooming Dept never releases on time. As long as you don't have the expectation you lose the anxiety and the disappointment. It's an exercise in understanding that we are just buying soap, not a product that cures cancer... and Mo never promises any of his products are curative either.

EDIT: Also yeah, I've been a customer of Grooming Department since 2019... so I've come to expect delays on everything. There are some orders I have with Mo on his website that hasn't shipped yet, but if I wanted a refund he would give me one right away no questions asked.

The Chief, martini and Pottertons like this post

(This post was last modified: 10-29-2020, 06:28 PM by Pottertons.)
(10-29-2020, 08:59 AM)TheRinger Wrote: To be fair Mo doesn't "over-promise" it's more of we just need to learn how to interpret his timing.

Next Week = 3 months from the first time he says that.
End of the week = Next month.
"Hopefully tomorrow" = Maybe next week.

Just remember, once you learn "Mo's time" you will understand Mo's meaning, and once you understand his "meaning" you come to expect all delays and the delays are simply that... an expectation.

Grooming Dept never releases on time. As long as you don't have the expectation you lose the anxiety and the disappointment. It's an exercise in understanding that we are just buying soap, not a product that cures cancer... and Mo never promises any of his products are curative either.

EDIT: Also yeah, I've been a customer of Grooming Department since 2019... so I've come to expect delays on everything. There are some orders I have with Mo on his website that hasn't shipped yet, but if I wanted a refund he would give me one right away no questions asked.

 Big Grin very true indeed. 
There's also the task of having to keep checking in, following, subscribing etc etc; to ensure that you can even get one first.
They're gone in a flash.
(This post was last modified: 10-29-2020, 04:48 PM by TheRinger.)
(10-29-2020, 11:14 AM)Pottertons Wrote:  Big Grin very true indeed. 
There's also the task of having to keep checking in, following, subscribing etc etc; to ensure that you can even one first.
They're gone in a flash.

The only place you can get a "drop date" is from his website.
He has a pattern, most of the time he releases on a weekday and he usually puts a date on his website for the product before he releases, and often he'll put the product release date on the product page a week or two before the "actual" release. I use the term "actual" loosely here because we never know actual, we just know based on patterns it's mostly on a week day and it's usually between 11am to 1pm on that day, unless it gets pushed back.

Majority of the time he will announce it if he pushes it back but then you only have to check it on that day to see when it's pushed back too.
So if you just check his website on the weekends,  you'll be able to not miss a release at least 95% of the time.

Now as for when he stocks other websites... that's probably frustrating if you're trying to get a release like "Angel" which he has said is a limited run. Even I can't predict exactly when, but I can say he sometimes posts on instagram when it "ships out" but when it's up on the website we won't know. I can just say the chances of getting it from other vendors are not the same as getting it from his website.

However, if you take note of when WCS posts new stock, most vendors tend to post them around the same time everyday if they get new items. I've noticed WCS to be around noon, I haven't ever seen them update stock on a Sunday though if that helps. If it's an important drop they'll announce it a day before hand on their instagram account.  Bullgoose Shaving almost always sends an email when something new is there (they're the most reliable when it comes to that). As for other vendors I'm not that familiar with them as much since I haven't done as much business with them.

Just my two cents on when to check so you're not refreshing the page every hour of everyday.

HighSpeed, Darktrader and Pottertons like this post

(This post was last modified: 10-29-2020, 06:32 PM by Pottertons.)
(10-29-2020, 04:46 PM)TheRinger Wrote:
(10-29-2020, 11:14 AM)Pottertons Wrote:  Big Grin very true indeed. 
There's also the task of having to keep checking in, following, subscribing etc etc; to ensure that you can even one first.
They're gone in a flash.

The only place you can get a "drop date" is from his website.
He has a pattern, most of the time he releases on a weekday and he usually puts a date on his website for the product before he releases, and often he'll put the product release date on the product page a week or two before the "actual" release. I use the term "actual" loosely here because we never know actual, we just know based on patterns it's mostly on a week day and it's usually between 11am to 1pm on that day, unless it gets pushed back.

Majority of the time he will announce it if he pushes it back but then you only have to check it on that day to see when it's pushed back too.
So if you just check his website on the weekends,  you'll be able to not miss a release at least 95% of the time.

Now as for when he stocks other websites... that's probably frustrating if you're trying to get a release like "Angel" which he has said is a limited run. Even I can't predict exactly when, but I can say he sometimes posts on instagram when it "ships out" but when it's up on the website we won't know. I can just say the chances of getting it from other vendors are not the same as getting it from his website.

However, if you take note of when WCS posts new stock, most vendors tend to post them around the same time everyday if they get new items. I've noticed WCS to be around noon, I haven't ever seen them update stock on a Sunday though if that helps. If it's an important drop they'll announce it a day before hand on their instagram account.  Bullgoose Shaving almost always sends an email when something new is there (they're the most reliable when it comes to that). As for other vendors I'm not that familiar with them as much since I haven't done as much business with them.

Just my two cents on when to check so you're not refreshing the page every hour of everyday.

I try my best to do all of those things that you've mentioned. 
Unfortunately I'm usually at work so I end up missing out on some but the time I either have chance to break away, or when I get home.
To be fair, it's a solid testament of how, rightfully, sought after his products are.
I'll be the first to admit though, it's irritating until you get used to it.

If Mo just put up announcements via email on Sunday, and every Sunday, even if the email is "nothing is released this week," it would be much easier than trying to follow him all over the place lol. Problem is he often forgets to announce, it' would be much easier for him though if he just made it a point to send his subscribers one email a week.

Something like:
Fortis Planned release this week on November 5
Post Serum Shave release delayed.
Tonic "maybe next week."

And if nothing is released.
"No planned release dates this week"

Just email on the same day every week... however I don't think Mo is able to do that. So I ended up learning his patterns... LoL if you follow his instagram you'll even see a post where Italian Barber asked him what's up with his planned shipment to them.

So don't feel too bad, even vendors deal with his delays and they buy much more than we do at once.
However yes, the product is good enough to me to justify the hassle but YMMV.

HighSpeed, ABT and Pottertons like this post
I look at it like Mohammad gets excited and wants to share. I have stopped having expectations on timelines and it’s improved my experience with the brand. I follow him on Instagram and FB. Between there and here I’ve never missed a drop. The info is out there. You just need to know where to look.

ALI and DanLaw like this post
(This post was last modified: 11-01-2020, 06:41 PM by Marinero.)
GD just isn’t worth the effort anymore when I can grab A&E or others from a dozen online sites.

HighSpeed, Pottertons and sanookd like this post

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