Pardon me if this has been done to death but until I found a sample pack of these in a box of Astra blades, I'd never heard of them. I got three excellent shaves with one of them. Are they significantly better than Astras or Personnas or Rapiras, my three faves? Hard to say. Given that one man's perfect blade is the next fella's busted beer bottle, what is the consensus? Love 'em or hate 'em?

krasitsky, alphege and Marko like this post

Santa Rosa - CA
On of my favorite blades in my Shöne OC razor. I get 7-8 shaves from them.
(10-14-2017, 04:27 AM)charlievarick Wrote: ...Are they significantly better than Astras or Personnas or Rapiras, my three faves?...

Yes, they are fantastic blades just as are all Gillette DE blades for the most part with few exceptions, e.g., Vietnamese version of Super Thin blade made in China is one IMO. Rapira blades are at best mediocre IMO and Personna are excellent as well, albeit with a different "feel" than Gillette blades. YMMV.

charlievarick, alphege and Burtonburger like this post
Secretary Ramsey put his foot into it yesterday . . . in the course of his remarks he said that California “needs water and better society.”  “So does h-ll,” yelled someone in the crowd.  

Posting Freak
I initially tried the Nacet blade in a EJ DE-89 and didn't really care for them but after trying them in the Rockwell 6s and a couple of different ikons I've grown to like them a lot.

I hadn’t tried this blade until a few months ago, I had read on one of the forums that someone had really good luck with them in their Timeless OC. I had recently acquired a Timeless .95 OC and was getting ok shaves with it, but overall it was kind of rough for me. I tried the Nacet in the Timeless and it seemed like a totally different Razor. I was now getting smooth, efficient, irritation free shaves. I also tried the Nacet in both of my Wolfman Razors which I also hadn’t been getting the best results with, and the Nacet worked really well for me in them too. I guess for my facial hair and skin type this Blade has a good combination of smoothness and efficiency. My former go to blades were Gillette Platinum, Gillette Silver Blues, and Feathers depending on which Razor I’m using. I can also find these cheaper than any of the previously mentioned blades. I’m a fan.

Marko, GroomingDept, Matsilainen and 1 others like this post
Thanks for the replies. I ordered 100 from Italian Barber.

krasitsky likes this post

Oslo, Norway
Good call! They are my go-tos both for the Timeless and the Blackbird. Astras when I need something gentler and less sharp.

Incidentally, I seem to get on well with all Petersburg blades:
Astra, Gillette Platinum, Nacet, Rubie, 7 o’clocks, Silver Blue, Polsilver / Iridium, Perma-sharp. Moscow, on the other hand, not for me (Rapira).

Matsilainen, BPman and alphege like this post

Sophisticated Stooge
Corpus Christi, TX
Regardless of performance, they have arguably the best razor wrapper artwork...

Hairy Callahan, wyze0ne, Burtonburger and 2 others like this post

A Gillette Nacet? I love 'em.

Matsilainen likes this post
DE Gillette

Portland, OR
Nacets, 7 O'Clock Yellows, and GSB's are my favorites.

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