(This post was last modified: 05-18-2021, 02:59 AM by Fluffy.)
Good day today. As well as shave.
The Morris Mfg. Prosperity razor did the bidness.
SV Badger whipped up the CBL Cigar Shop Injun soap.
And the Master Barber AS finished it off nicely.
In other areas of interests. Sent out a few items via USPS. One person is expecting something. Other folks may not be. Insert maniacal laugh here. A bonus of the trip to the Post Office. Was that the young philly in line ahead of me. Took great pride in getting her hospital scrubs to fit her figure perfectly.
The brush handle project has another possible route that may come to fruition. That involves a high tech copper alloy. And my good friend JoJo playing on very expensive machinery. My original and still possible solution is not a high tech alloy. And me using very low tech old school methods.
My mental gears turning and grinding. Tabac Tuesday looming larger in the windshield. And Monday fading in my rear view mirror.
Hope all of you are off to a good week.