Do you have a soap that you've never tried because you automatically think it's inferior? That's what WSP was to me. I never really had a good reason to think this, but for some reason I did. Well, yesterday I was cleaning out some stored shaving stuff and I ran across a WSP Barbershop sample. I decided to press it into a mug and give it a shot. WOW! This stuff was amazing. It lathered, with my synthetic, extremely easily. The lather was nice and creamy. I like soaps that leave a lot of slickness on my face. The top two I have for this are Arko and Xpec. WSP was right up there with them. It might actually be the perfect compromise since it doesn't stink like Arko and isn't ridiculously expensive like Xpec. If anyone has the opportunity to try it out, I highly recommend it.