(07-29-2015, 09:10 AM)C@nn@r Wrote: Can someone please explain why some companies charge so much for DE razors? Some vendors are selling DE razors for well over $200! I'm looking for of an explanation as to what makes these razors better? Do they use better materials? Are the products better quality? Will a $200 razor necessarily be better then a cheap razor?
I know that this reasoning is flawed and it has been proven wrong for most products including soaps, cream, AS...etc, but what about razors? I've only ever used two razors: a EJ de89 and a Parker 22c. Thanks!
I agree with the other responses. What it really comes down to, I think, is materials and tolerances. Most razor heads are now made of pot metal aka zinc alloys. These are very inexpensive metals melted together in one "pot." If they are coated properly with chrome or nickel, and cared for properly, they should be quite durable in normal use. Mass manufacturing methods mean that sometimes a razor head will have an uneven blade gap, giving you more blade on one side than the other. The pricey razors are generally made of at least 303 stainless steel, like ATT, and some, like Wolfman, are made of marine-grade stainless steel. They still require care if they're to last. And, for the money, you expect a razor with very exacting tolerances--perfectly even blade gap, excellent balance.
I have an ATT Atlas with an M1 plate, having recently traded my R1 plate. It looks beautiful. It will outlast me. I enjoy using it. But, if I'm being honest, my Merkur 34C shaves just as well, if not a smidgen better.
So more $ does not mean a better shave. All the razor does is hold the blade in place with enough torque and exposure to give you the kind of shave you want, e.g., comfortable or aggressive. As long as the razor head doesn't let the blade move around in it and flex, you're fine. Gillette made some wonderful razors back in the day. They were loss leaders, sold very inexpensively in order to ensure that customers would have to buy blades, which is where the money was and still is for the big boys. Those razors were made of brass, usually, and plated with chrome or nickel and will still perform flawlessly if they've been cared for properly.
Ultimately, the fancy razors provide a lot of esthetic gratification. I love knowing that my ATT was made here in America by a guy who really cares about the quality of his product, and that it was built to last. It's handsome as George Clooney. That adds to the joy of using it, caring for it, cleaning it. Does it shave better than my Merkur? No.