I Concur with what some others have said that an instant message/chat feature would be nice.  One that the user could have on or off when perusing the site.  I also think perhaps a "Industry News Section" might be useful since wet shaving is growing by leaps and bounds and it seems that there are articles weekly being written on vendors, artisans, and new kick starters razors seem to pop up regularly.

Trenton Mi
Hey there! New guy here; my idea is for DIY soap stuff. How might I get started making my own soap; recipes, etc.
Cool giveaway!!

Philadelphia, PA
(07-27-2015, 09:12 PM)steeleshaves Wrote: I Concur with what some others have said that an instant message/chat feature would be nice.  One that the user could have on or off when perusing the site.  I also think perhaps a "Industry News Section" might be useful since wet shaving is growing by leaps and bounds and it seems that there are articles weekly being written on vendors, artisans, and new kick starters razors seem to pop up regularly.

if you're familiar with IRC, I just set up a channel on freenode called damnfineshave...so if you're connected to the freenode server, type /join #damnfineshave to join the channel.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Miami, FL
I would like to see an easy way to get to posts/threads that I have participated on, similar to Tapatalk's "Participated" tab.
I am brand new to wet shaving and this is the first forum I have joined. It has great info.
My idea would be , a way of recognizing forum excellence. Perhaps weekly, monthly, or quarterly we could recognize a member that has an outstanding conduct while participating in the community. This could even be a yearly recognition where we could organize a prize giveaway of some sort. This is the type of thing I would like to see for our outstanding members. Thanks , enjoy your day.
Think the forum is great as is.. I'd possibly ad a pm or messenger option.
I am in. I cannot think of anything the forum needs for an improvement.
I would like up see compare and contrast reviews similar gear.
I think the ability to register and sign on using social media would be beneficial to a number of users.

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