(This post was last modified: 02-08-2020, 02:24 AM by nachum.)
I'd like to do some trading.  I have the following...

[Image: 7GaRA9d.jpg][Image: 2aSDznI.jpg]
[Image: xkqtoLL.jpg]

Weber PH
Rex Ambassador N4 w/box
Paradigm Ti2 w/box TRADED!
Raw Shaving RS 10, no box for either but both are new.  One has no logo.  The owner, Avi, made a few this way.  I actually prefer it.
Raw Shaving SS brush w/two knots, new.  one is traded!

Looking for...
Man of W razor
Black Eagle HT
Srdjan brushes
Mozingo HT
other nice razors and brushes, no straights
let me know what you've got.  it doesn't hurt to ask!

DanLaw, skadnwls8282, CK89 and 1 others like this post

More Human than Human
Is that a stand on the bottom with the blue plastic wrap?

(01-23-2020, 12:04 AM)cdude62 Wrote: Is that a stand on the bottom with the blue plastic wrap?
Brush handle.
Would you consider a twice used Homelike Taiga adjustable with titanium and stainless handles plus an ApshaveCo Gelousy Badger brush for the Raw RS10?
Do you sell raw shaving razors and brushes?

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