Hello. I use a Wilkinson Sword Classic(the black version). I use it with the Gillette Platinum: https://www.barbierit.ro/produs/lame-gil...achete/261 and the Gillette Stainless: https://www.barbierit.ro/produs/lame-gil...achete/262.
I get irritation on the neck and below the jaw when going against the grain on the third pass.
I tried Astra Superior Platinum blades and got even worse irritation.
What sample pack would be best for me?
What are you using for a shave soap and what is your prep routine like?
I wash my face with a liquid face wash and use Palmolive or Nivea cream. I lather with a Maggard 22 mm synthetic shaving brush.
(12-13-2024, 05:07 PM)Alex7 Wrote: I wash my face with a liquid face wash and use Palmolive or Nivea cream. I lather with a Maggard 22 mm synthetic shaving brush.

Seems like your prep is fine.

Maybe try switching to a tallow based soap? They seem to do a better job of softening my beard which allows me to use less pressure, and makes ATG passes less tuggy.

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