
For me it always been try it first. Then you can always try to sell if it is not your cup of tea. I personally does not interest me. I try to support US and Canada made razors. 
Oh the though of a one, two or three pass shave. For me, it is a combination of my needs and the tool used. I enjoy my shaves, no rush, and  normally shave an hour or two before bed. Having a rotation and knowing the tool, stubble..I will be 2 pass with a possible touch up. Or a 3 pass shave. None will give me irritation. 
I guess I never understood the one pass shave. Maybe if someone needs a fast one pass in the AM, then flying out to work. Where is the enjoyment in that. But every shaver I guess has goals. For me, enjoy it, no stress ...if it is a DFS, DFS+ or a BBS..I am good.  
I also factor in stubble growth after the shave. My slants have always cut closer for me.

Sorry for the long post..it may help, it may not...but I hope you find the tool or tools that work best for you and your needs. 
Try it and it will come.
《At least try it for a week or more before dumping it》
Cheers BFX
"Got RAD from my DAD!"
This is the only noted instance of a defect in 500 razors so far. The cap was replaced for the customer free of charge of course.

HOLYZEUS, Korii and slim6596 like this post
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2023, 11:03 PM by AylsworthRazors.)
The grid was an attempt to troubleshoot which part might be the cause of the misalignment before sending out a replacement. 

We were able to note that it was the cap and replace it. Regarding the manufacturer, the Kopparkant and Altare brush are made by a high end Aerospace small parts manufacturer out of Shenzen, while the Drakkant in SS and Ti are made by Yates in USA.  Where machine and material quality are concerned, both manufacturers are equivalent based on every QC metric we have. We wouldn't work with them otherwise Smile

AQU, jags009, Korii and 1 others like this post
As a consumer I would pay extra for an employee owned or union made shop.

Korii likes this post
For the record, I LOVE my brass KK, besides a great shave the fit and finish is next level.

AQU likes this post
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2024, 01:49 AM by RCMattyW.)
Korii Damn that's sexy. Do you mind my asking how you aged it like that? I've a Kopparkant on order presently and was just going to use and let it gradually age but if there's a shortcut to it looking as yours does then why not?  Wink

Currently I rotate between Yaqi Ghost .70, Yaqi Slope, and Vikings Blade Godfather Stonehenge but have the Aylsworth Kopparkant, Karve Overlander and Phoenix Copper Ascension Twist on the way to play with.

I find the Stonehenge is beautifully mild and efficient but just can't shave the hairs under my nose so I primarily use the Ghost for that though find find it smooth enough for the overall shave. The Slope is a nice all rounder though.


Seattle, WA (USA)
I really like the design of the Kopparkant / Drakkant Ti handle, but I just discovered that because of it's Higbee threading, it will only fit on AylsworthRazors razor heads.  Whereas on the converse, most any razor handle will fit on an Aylesworth razor head.  Is this a feature or a bug?  I don't see what if anything is gained from using Higbee threading, but by it interchangeability is lost.  I think Higbee threading is a bad idea.
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2024, 02:16 AM by Shave Souffle.)
Kaleb, if you're still perusing these threads, do you have any plans on a Kopparkant OC plate in the future or is there not enough interest in making one of these? I use my Drakkant OC plate on my Kopparkant but it would be cool to have a proper brass OC plate to use.
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2024, 11:39 PM by jesseix.)
I picked up a Kopparkant with the Plus plate recently, was worried it might be a little too aggressive for me but I’m really liking it so far. I’ve found it to be very efficient but still comfortable, there is some blade feel but not that noticeable or to a point where I get irritation.
I’ve been getting great 2pass shaves where I’ll do a little touch up if I feel like it, but not really needed  Happy2

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