You can safely use it 2-3 times a week diluted 1-4 with water as a facial scrub. Daily use will adversely affect your facial PH and bacteria resulting in problems. Bragg is a good brand. You want the brown,murky swamp water organic versions. The organic, woo woo Doctor Bronner community touts it as a magical elixer for all manner of ills. It USUALLY has no negative effects ( ingesting full strength can dissolve tooth enamel over time) but the positive effects are largely unproven.
Well I picked up some Bragg ACV. I haven't had the heart yet to put it on my face but instead of mixing it with water, I mixed it approx 1-4 with some Lavender Hydrosol I bought a while back. I figured that would be even better than just straight up water since hydrosols offer many benefits for your skin. When I get around to using it on my face, I will let you know what I think of it.
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