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Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
(This post was last modified: 03-30-2023, 02:26 AM by DanLaw.)
Not being the typical hobbyist shaver online, have much different priorities than collecting and the sensual joy of different soap scents.  As has been long documented, the journey embarked upon has been laser focused on the mitigation of extremely painful shaves caused by terrible skin, severe facial injuries and yet, a desire for a perfectly smooth shave. Since revisiting wet shaving over the last 10-15 years, have tried about every soap, razor, blade and postshave on the market finally arriving at an integrated solution optimally suited to the unique requirements based on the state of the industry. Really, only a handful of razors have made the cut over the years and that is the focus of this post in the hopes it may help others facing serious challenges and not just chasing the latest thing.  When items mentioned in posts, it generally because they represent something extraordinary for those with special needs.

Hitherto have found great success with Tatara razors particularly the Nodachi Ti and Muramasa, Wolfman WR1 0,54 DC, LASSC BBS-1 and Boker Damascus Straight.  That is not to suggest other razors weren't amazing or incredibly well built (H&S P series stand out) but these were what remained within a rotation geared to addressing the unique problems faced.  Quite frankly, was convinced that as good a solution as was to be found was already in hand - which, as with fools such as Fukuyama: thinking the end of history arrived, is when life throws a curve.

BlackLand introduced a very unique Single Edge, the Vector, a few years back.  Had an opportunity to try one being utterly ignorant of the significant differences in AC blades - MUCH more wildly different within and across brands than DE by a long shot.  The experience was a rather harsh, uncomfortable shave with a quick decision that the Vector concept was a blind alley for my needs.  And so it remained the last years, even as reviews praising the evolutions were widely posted online.

Shane, the owner of BlackLand, made a post in DFS about a month ago that piqued interest - not because there was any dissatisfaction with the current razor rotation but rather because it was informally confident about the product without hyperbole providing rationale for its design and believable guidance of how to access the unique qualities of the Vector for a better outcome.  

Being highly risk averse and reluctant to stick an artisan with the cost of a poor purchase decision of an otherwise perfectly made product, tried to organize a passaround to no avail.  The inclination was so adamant against returning a new razor without defect and just tired of taking a swag at blind purchases only to hassle with selling them afterwards, was leaning to forgetting the entire matter: after all, things were pretty settled regarding hardware.

Then a couple Vector Ti razors came available on BST and eBay; one at such a good price for a whole razor, box and in new condition, that it was impossible to pass.  And what a great decision it was!

To cut to the chase, no razor ever owned, including electrics, has provided such consistent irritation free shaves, even shaving every other day.  Were that insufficient to induce people to take a flyer, NO razor has ever delivered such absolutely perfectly BBS shaves - as in the smoothness of a prepubescent girl's face BBS with that perfect smoothness extending 24-30 hours.  Really, my biggest issue is deciding whether to keep the other razors for ocassional usage or liquidate.

Some observations as to why the Vector concept works so well - apologies to Shane for differences from his perspective: 

1, the head unit, which is a constant theme of all reviews penned (particularly DE razors gaining ever more enlarged head units), is MINIMAL, barely covering the blade.  The lack of any stack height and overhang is immediate communication and accuracy of blade placement.  One of the favourite autos ever owned was an old Lotus.  Although only adequately powered, it was the best sportscar ever driven - enter a turn at 12/10ths out of control? Simply pick up the son of bitch by the scruff of the neck and place it down exactly where desired - magic!  Only a Ducati Superbike, properly setup, has ever come close to that in a nonformula auto.  Use the precision afforded by the minimal head unit to advantage, feel the curves, nooks and crannies of the face whilst shaving and trust the razor with its outstanding feedback.

2, contrary to Shane's perspective, find the face feel differs dramatically at every angle.  In this case, have found riding the cap is shear ecstasy, delivering the ultimate closeness with zero irritation.  Hitherto the innermost cheek/mouth interface has always been impossible to get BBS - now, every shave is perfect.  The neck area has never been easier to shave completely irritation free.  But, when suggesting to ride the cap, mean RIDE THE DAMN CAP such that the blade is barely but wholly contacting the skin  Magical!

3, rinse the razor every couple of strokes.  If there is a downside to the minimalist head, it is that it needs be cleared often to function optimally.  One may grow weary of the constant flushing but it really takes but an instant.   
There is one caveat though, as highlighted above, AC blades vary widely within and between manufacturers - the Vector is particularly sensitive to the blade differences to deliver the qualities sought.  Have made it a point to sample every AC blade available, even hand modifying some to fit the Vector - the differences are shocking.  Have found the Feather SoftGuard to be the ideal match but many swear by Feather Pro and ProGuard which were far too harsh for anything short of a 5 day beard growth; amazingly some use Feather Super Pros!  The famed Schick ProLine was brutal and the Kai Captain Titan Mild and Titan Mild MG were anything but mild.

Hope this has been of service to readers.  For those that have been chasing consistent nonirritating BBS shaves without success, beg, borrow or steal a Vector Ti along with a selection of AC blades.  It is the answer to my quest and may be so for yours.  It may be the answer so many DE owners have been chasing for years.

[Image: M8XQ2jW.jpg]

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[Image: 9Hdie0z.jpg]

AlanH81, Bouki, Calm_Shaver and 14 others like this post
I have the SS Vector. I agree with your assessment. I sold a few DE razors after discovering the marvel of the Vector.

DanLaw and MaineYooper like this post
Much agreed to the above! I just finished a month commitment to the Vector. Hard to look at any other razors afterwards…

Also seconding ride the cap. I envision running the flat of the cap against my skin. Works perfectly

DanLaw, MaineYooper, AlanH81 and 1 others like this post

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
Another amazingly easy 5 day beard BBS and with the SoftGuards to boot. The heavy growth put an end to the SoftGuard at 5 shaves which is a little premature. Truth told, probably should have reached for a Pro.

keto, sgarnett, 1700Z shadow and 1 others like this post
I bought a used Vector Ti and I am hoping it will arrive tomorrow.

Thanks for posting your experience with the razor!

DanLaw, keto, AlanH81 and 1 others like this post
(03-31-2023, 02:29 PM)DanLaw Wrote: Another amazingly easy 5 day beard BBS and with the SoftGuards to boot. The heavy growth put an end to the SoftGuard at 5 shaves which is a little premature. Truth told, probably should have reached for a Pro.

That is very encouraging about the SoftGuards! I have not enjoyed the SoftGuards in any razor, but my Ti Vector arrived today so I will have to give those a try (after I make my rounds with all the other AC blades I have). First shave was today with the Kai ProTouch MG blade and it was an excellent shave. The seller insisted that I shave with the ProTouch MG first (and sent me a pack of those blades as well).

DanLaw and MaineYooper like this post

Los Angeles
The Vector is life-changing for me and wish I got it sooner.

DanLaw, MaineYooper and GoodShave like this post
(04-02-2023, 07:19 PM)sergeysus Wrote: The Vector is life-changing for me and wish I got it sooner.

I can definitely see why. My first shave with a guarded blade (Kai Protouch MG) left my face and neck so smooth that I didn't feel appreciable stubble until 24 hours later. And that was shaving two and a half day's worth of growth.

DanLaw and sergeysus like this post
The difference between SE blades is unreal. I also love the soft guards. In fact, I just had my first BBS (ever) with the Vector Ti.

MaineYooper, DanLaw, sergeysus and 1 others like this post

Scentsless Shaver
Oakland, ME
I just received some Feather Proguards and and Prolight blades. Currently I have only used the Feather Professionals and Kai Captain Titan Mild, both of which are great for me. I really enjoy how you can change the experience by just changing the blade!

keto and DanLaw like this post
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Overloader of brushes, Overlander fanboy, Schickhead, and a GEM in the rough!

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