Hi guys I have many brushes that are 2 band and I know they are very popular and most handtied brush makes only make 2 band. But I'm looking to buy a 3 band silver tip as really enjoy them just wondering if anyone has any experience with 3 band and what is your favourite knot. Ideally I would like a high end 3 band that is handtied

zaclikestoshave and FABarbuto like this post

Not hand-tied but elite razor's HMW silvertip is one of the best.

zaclikestoshave, Stubble Daddy and Morecolor like this post
Ok I see thanks alot for the recommendation will have a look

zaclikestoshave and shaveSymptomatic like this post

Trotter Handcrafts
Bellingham, Washington USA
Another vote for Elite Razor. His 3-band is extremely nice

zaclikestoshave and SCShaver like this post
(12-21-2020, 04:16 AM)Stubble Daddy Wrote: Another vote for Elite Razor. His 3-band is extremely nice

+1 for Elite Razor; best 3-band knots I’ve ever dropped into my favorite handles.

SCShaver, Morecolor, zaclikestoshave and 1 others like this post

Posting Freak
Saint Petersburg . Russia
As far as I know, Elite razor does not knot itself. Perhaps these are the same knots that Boti and Oumo sell in China. Still, I think SHD HMW Silk Silver are the best knots on the market.
[Image: OrBvIZe.jpg]

zaclikestoshave, PAI-93 and ALEXANDR D. like this post
I would recommend Elite Razor, also.

LORENZO44 likes this post
Shavemac's silvertips are pretty highly regarded as well (although have never been my favorite TBH).

FABarbuto and LORENZO44 like this post
I’ve tried most of the usual three bands...the Chinese knots, Simpson super, Rooney Heritage, Shavemac D01, etc. Without a doubt, the best I’ve used is the Voigt & Cop VC01 Super Badger knot. It has the density of the Shavemac D01, but the hair is better sorted, so virtually none of those pokey dark hairs you get in many three band knots. I bought a stand-alone 24mm fan knot to try it out. I am having them make me a full 28mm brush with the same hair, so I’ll probably sell the stand-alone knot. If anyone is interested, let me know. It was worth buying before taking the plunge for the complete brush.

ALI likes this post
Hi mate so glad to hear of someone else loving voigt & cop brushes I have 3 of them, your right his super badger knot is amazing also his Manchurian knot is incredible

ALI and pork like this post

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