
Product summary


KAV ·05-04-2017, 06:15 AM

Product price


Product merchant


General thoughts
Ken posted an in depth explanation of knots on another forum that should be mandatory reading for all brush owners and needs reposting. The more colorful handles are one of a kind. Mine has a 'plain half' and a brilliantly exploding second. I personally enjoy the contrast and never tire of looking at it. People
who are disheartened by the wait need to think positively. Production has increased to a small but steady release. People ARE getting them and there is no reason it wont be you in time. Once you're done bonding with it SHAVE. The brushes are like some well regarded razors that make mediocre blades good and good ones great. I've been reacquainting myself with no few soaps I gave up on in like fashion.

Stiffer than Punk Rocker's Mohawk. I don't know where the soap finds passage, but it does.

The proof is in post shave rinsing. I've owned brushes that required a Hairdresser's appointment. I just ' rinse and shelf.'

This isn't air turbulence from a passing butterfly. You know it's there, and you want it there.

I favor triple milled hard soaps and have only recently began blooming mine. I have to check my biological shaving clock of 8 years or deal with plasmic flows of lather everywhere. The next stage of face lathering is self indulgence.

Handle Comfort
The new classic Lotus handle is a visual feast. The surprise is how easily it accepts different sized hands and grips.

'High end' products can be hothouse orchids. Paladins are using brushes. If you appreciate an elevated attention to function and cosmetics 'The quality is there long after the price is forgotten.'

Paladin isn't the chocolate candy scene in I LOVE LUCY although Ken and family must feel like it. Every brush is delicious in it's very unique way.

Oh, you mean the sturdy shipping tube and individual card that delayed holding it by another intolerable .5 seconds?


conservator · 01-06-2020, 11:49 PM · in reply to #68
I have had this brush for six months now. My favorite Paladin brush is an ElDorado but this is a close second. It makes superb lather with any soap and feels great on my face.
DanLaw · 01-27-2020, 01:14 AM · in reply to #68
Please provide a link to the Paladin knot thread